First Lens all done and dusted!

Last Update: May 15, 2010

Well, these past few days have been a blast....we spent two days in London, spending one evening at the Apollo Hammersmith watching one of my favourite artists; Florence and the Machine - awesome gig!!!


Anyway, i'm now back and i've just finished my first lens this this my IM career up and running!!  Watch this space people.

Hope to blog more soon,



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JaredB Premium
Looks pretty good. Here are some ways to improve it:
-break up the groups so that you have at least 4 text modules, this seems to be the magic number that squidoo prefers.
-put some anchor text to your hoplink in the beginning and scattered around, you could use my linker here to mask the hoplink as well.
-add some pictures to your text module. You can make these clickable after you upload them, just put your hoplink below the box where you upload it
-you could turn that "who will win" module into an interactive module with the poll module (under popular modules in edit mode). Reader participation is great for a lens.
Hope this helps!
uk_newbie Premium
Hey its: I haven't had ANY viewers yet but i'm hoping its a "grower" as the world cup is still a month away...who knows, i may be barking up the wrong tree...but at least its a start! Any feedback would be great
JaredB Premium
Good job. What is it so we can check it out and give stars?
Louise M. Premium
Cool! Congratulations for your lens! :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Hammersmith is great, that would be an awesome gig to see! Congrats on your 1st lens Shaun, nice to have ya in the WA family.