IM Surprises...

Last Update: November 01, 2010

Today is November 1st, my 36th wedding anniversary. That is what I thought about first this morning. That's a long time to "be" anything! Can you imagine I was able to convince any woman to hang around that long? Bless her.

Another thing I thought about the am is that I had my first $100 day on Thursday. After 20 months or so I finally got my first check from Google Adsense. If you can tell me how to make that program work better/faster for me please let me know. That is a miserably long time for earning passive income.

Then as I checked my email I found a notice of a commission payment (real, not scam/spam) in my inbox. An unexpected $37 paid this month from a program I pay little attention to. Found money, so to speak. 

So this is where the IM journey has brought me. An occasional, if not steady trickle of income from one source or another.

That's my reality.

My mission: Enhance, Improve & Expand.  It is all scalable. Let's do it.

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Congratz on the found money! Have you done an article marketing club yet? If not, I think it will make a huge difference to your game. I'm getting a lot out of the club I'm in.