Day 14 .. a bit behind

Last Update: April 15, 2012

The day started out really tight. Was at it at 5am and had a great morning. Looked at several other sites out there and realized how much better mine could be. Spent all morning working on content and hope it will be ready tomorrow. Even got an article done and posted, but then just hit a wall. No training done at all. Once I lost it I should have just gotten on to something else. Ill catch it up tomorrow. Really glad to see some others out there making strides and doing well also.

I do want to say how impressed I am with WA and the people behind it. Not going to get specific but seeing things play out over the last few days and to have witnessed the end result this afternoon in the chat with everything being completely transparent pulls home how lucky we all are and in the right place.

Thanks guys :)



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Laursen Premium
Hi Wayne. I'm on day 18 now, and i am behind as well lol. This place is amazing, and you are totally right. When you hit the wall just go do something else and come back later. My head is exploding with all the information, but I love it and the fact that I am learning with the speed I am is just fantastic. Keep up the good work, ;-)
TonyaWells Premium
I totally agree with you Wayne! This has been such a great place to learn and the people all seem genuinely interested in seeing each other succeed.

I see you on here quite a bit and by reading your posts, I think you're doing great. You have definitely written a lot of content!

You should go to bed :)