Posts by WayneBPK 22
Thanks for all of the help everyone. I have a few little kinks to work out today but basically ready to go live tomorrow (not sure how long it takes when you switch DNS over but basically doing that tomorrow if all works out right!)Here is the final run of the RX video. Cleaned it as much as I could, and had Camtasia tell me my 49.99 video cam is gonna need to be upgraded! I was appealed but Ill get over it. Tracks arent perfect but livable for now.Im really excited and cant wait to show you all
July 27, 2012
Hi allJust need a tad more help. Got some really awesome info last time and this is the LAST video that I need to finish before the site can go live!! So if I could bother you all once again for your input. I tried to revise the presentation video 3 times, then asked you all and took down notes over a day, and reworked it fine so I am trying it once again.Hopefully Ill be able to put together some training on how to integrate videos onto a website, video blogging, and using videos for your funne
Thanks everyone who gave me some input. We have scrubbed it out and cleaned it up and made it as clear as we can do it. This is going live soon on the site!You guys rock!!
July 22, 2012
Hi allThe new site is close to being live, and I have switched a bunch of stuff around and using Youtube almost exclusively. I have my landing page presentation done and really need the input. Its designed to funnel traffic to a self-assessment page, that leads to a call to action there. This has no buttons on it, nor is it linked back to BND yet. If you have the time could please watch the video and check it out. All input in requested. I have several issues that I am wondering about, just not
July 09, 2012
Becky put out a super strong blog today .. check it out if youd like .. even throw some tips out about how to get this out better? We are switching from a different blogger over to WP though soon!Thanks,Wayne
July 08, 2012
Just a little something for the day ... watch it and tell me your day didnt improve:)
July 02, 2012
Hi allTodd and I have decided we are going to do a morning session on Monday mornings noon to 2pm est,and Thursday nights 8pm to 10pm est. This is a sharing session - any and all questions are welcomed. The idea here is to share what knowledge we have. If we have issues that we cant pool to fix, we are going to find the answers and bring it back to the group. Hoping to get several that want to jump in and learn with us!!!WaynePs .. that pic is for Shawn!!!!:p
July 02, 2012
Was in G+ with Todd today, and we are trying to clarify our landing pages trying to make the clear and more effective. The question I have is:If I have a funnel that goes to actual sale of an item, then have secondary funnels that to go a 'More Info' lead generator and an opt-in for the list is that trying to do to much?We are going to re-vamp all of our landing pages and just want to be sure that we are on the right track.THANKSWayne
June 30, 2012
Wanna thank Jay for the WAbinar lastnight, but afterwards we all got into a G+ hangout. I can not believe how well that went and how much I learned! Were lucky enough to have some leaders pop in and give us some help, but overall it was a sharing of info and it was GREAT! I have been a bit overwhelmed and after our chat (which ended about 4am est - not sure ask Todd), it really clarified some things for me, and at the very least put me in a positive place with other people working on improving a
June 29, 2012
First off wanna thanks Jay for the help this afternoon. He pointed out a few things that were not really in line. Then I started looking around and man do I have some holes in my game.!!- I have an e-commerce site that has no SEO done to it at all- 4 feeders site and the ones that are live arent directed right (indexed the front page with the default WP page even though it was in the trash file?? WTH?)- have auto responders that need to be implemented for BND University and 90 day challenge-