Gonna do a re-start

Last Update: June 29, 2012
First off wanna thanks Jay for the help this afternoon. He pointed out a few things that were not really in line. Then I started looking around and man do I have some holes in my game.!!

- I have an e-commerce site that has no SEO done to it at all
- 4 feeders site and the ones that are live arent directed right (indexed the front page with the default WP page even though it was in the trash file?? WTH?)
- have auto responders that need to be implemented for BND University and 90 day challenge
- And havent written an article in weeks, and still doing all marketing on a local level.

I came here to learn:
1) How to put together an e-commerce siite (not even realize what all this meant!)
2) How to market said program online
3) How to build a large community, and develop a subscriber list fully categorized and solid.

I started some areas of learning before I needed to and raced ahead before I really knew what was necessary (knew exactly what I wanted though). After looking around today I realize stuff that I learned on day 2 or 3 from watching Jays Niche WAbinars I forgot even though I have it in my notes. I have a business that is ahead of where it should be at this stage because of an existing client base, and a huge push getting the word out , but there is not much happening on a IM level (ie ... I am never going to get what I truely desire following these action steps).

Going to take this weekend and completely redo the case study, and probably start on the 30 Day Training again on Monday, along with a new 30 Day Challenge.

Urgency is a huge motivator and extremely important, and taking action is the ONLY way to succeed but please be crystalized in your vision and why you are here, and don't night off more then you can chew. or Kyle will yell at you and tell you 'I told you so!!' (ok maybe he didnt say it quite like lol)
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econcepts Premium
Good luck, Wayne. You will get there!
WayneBPK Premium
AJ!! Your the bomb!
sundcarrie Premium
I was having some of the same problems I decided to stop and take a break I have no plans next week and no classes so I am going to spend time working through building my site one step at a time. I think I will enjoy working with my first site once I learn the basics.
WayneBPK Premium
Im excited. I have everything in place, just not optimized or functioning!! I have a tendency to leap and worry about the details later. Gets you to some cool places, but you do need the basics first lol
Hi, All. My name is Sharon. I'm looking for a business to start that hold my interest, that I can build and obviously make money. My goal is to fire my boss within 6 months to a year. I sure hpe I've come to the right place.
WayneBPK Premium
You have come to the right place, and its not easy or quik, but it is real! You need amy help PM me or look for our G+ chat. I will be glad to share and learn!
georgejhaas Premium
I can tell you are motivated. That is a good thing. I also have a lot of things in the making and because of not enough I have to keep setting my priorities. It is not easy. Then I run into new things which take time to resolve. I keep telling myself I wish I had a 40 hour day. One thing I have learned in WA is how important goal and plans are and how important the training is. Jay's webinars have also help me a lot. I wish you great success.
WayneBPK Premium
Thanks .. it will get there. Know what I want and am getting a better idea on how to get there now!
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like instead of taking on new stuff, you need to sit down and prioritize what you need to do with the stuff you got going now. Make a plan and start ticking it off. Then when you are done with that. Think about the 30 day challenges.
WayneBPK Premium
I already have. Going back to the beginning at dotting i, and crossing t's so to speak
Either way Im back!