My day 4

Last Update: April 06, 2012

Little frustrated - I almost have the website content done and then had to work all weekend. I've schedule out the next few weeks just so I dont drive myself too hard. Wind is spinning up bad and vis just sucks, but people still wanna go to Looe Key and snorkel. I want to have the website up and tweaked by Sunday so I can get some advice from you all. Between my partner and I we have prolly 200 articles available on various things and I broke down and picked the one the she wanted first so I just need to get to the point I know what to do with them. Every day its feeling like I made the right decision coming here!

Thanks guys!!

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thevaz74 Premium
Great job! I know the frustration you feel about having to stop for a bit when you are making progress. Hang in there, you will be back to it soon!
TonyaWells Premium
200 articles is great! You're moving at an excellent pace.
DkWinter Premium
It sounds like you're doing an awesome job to me. Your frustration at not being able to take action is great because it shows you are working hard and moving forward. I have no doubt you will be very successful. Looking forward to seeing your site.
Labman_1 Premium
It may be turbid and rough but hey you are in the Keys. Those of us that are getting to the end of winter gotta recreate in the window allotted.