Posts by Winddancer88 4
July 21, 2012
Today was a good day. I am finally looking at affiliate programs and networks. Wow!!! Without a niche it would be easy to get lost among the maze of companies. After 12 hours on the computer; I am mentally drained. I had a lot more to say before a shower. I guess that goes to show that water can be refreshing to the brain as well as the body.Looking back when I first joined this program, I have no ideal why I was afraid. I guess I was just afraid of my self. Having a step-by-step program is a s
July 21, 2012
I love it when I learn new things. I do not always, like the frustrations of trying to figure out problems but those problems are what bring insights or, as I like to call it revelations. Yesterday, I was so excited about my new accomplishments with getting the core of my website done. And then…it was time to learn something new, article writing. It seemed simple enough, until it was time to upload my written article. I kept going over my steps thinking I did something wrong. I reduc
July 20, 2012
Well, I have finish building the core of my website. I feel great. What an accomplishment and rather easy with the step by step instructions. I must admit I was paralyzed with fear. I thought I could do this after all, my background is in electronics (Marine Corps) and now in Social Work. I knew this time that if I failed it would be because of me and not because someone scammed me and left me on the side of the internet highway for dead.I guess I don't understand the lack of business ethi
July 20, 2012
Having worked in corporate American and never seeming to fit in, I have often desired, in my heart, to have my own home-based business. I can't tell you the number of times I have been led on and scammed out of money I didn't have in the first place. I saw Wealthy Affiliate (WA) a few years back but with fresh scam marks on my back; I bypassed them.Today I am a WA student and happy to have step-by-step instructions on how to take control of my own finances. Ok, it is abut building my we