Methodology reduces Fear

Last Update: July 21, 2012
Today was a good day. I am finally looking at affiliate programs and networks. Wow!!! Without a niche it would be easy to get lost among the maze of companies. After 12 hours on the computer; I am mentally drained. I had a lot more to say before a shower. I guess that goes to show that water can be refreshing to the brain as well as the body.

Looking back when I first joined this program, I have no ideal why I was afraid. I guess I was just afraid of my self. Having a step-by-step program is a sure fire way of killing fear step-by-step. Follow the step and do not worry about what everyone else is doing. The people in Open Chat are friendly and helpful. Ask all the questions you need. There are no stupid questions.

Dancing with the wind
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Shawn Martin Premium
It is good to know you have help when you need it
winddancer88 Premium
Thanks Shawn
Praise Premium
The WA step-by-step program is great because instead of focusing on your fear, uncertainty, etc you simply need to focus on where to place your foot for the next step...and as you keep moving, you build momentum and move closer to your goals. Good luck.
winddancer88 Premium
Thanks that name