A New beginning

Last Update: July 20, 2012
Having worked in corporate American and never seeming to fit in, I have often desired, in my heart, to have my own home-based business. I can't tell you the number of times I have been led on and scammed out of money I didn't have in the first place. I saw Wealthy Affiliate (WA) a few years back but with fresh scam marks on my back; I bypassed them.

Today I am a WA student and happy to have step-by-step instructions on how to take control of my own finances. Ok, it is abut building my website to become an affiliate but, in the long run it is about becoming self-employed. No more stress of wondering if and when I was going to be fired. And if you have ever worked in corporate America or for the government; you know that ruthless people are usually scheming on how to take your place or simply make your life miserable.

I am happy, overjoyed even, to be here taking positive steps for my future. I wish I would have started a long time ago but, you know the story---better late than never. I am a regular person with regular fears like most. I invite you to take a look around www.WealthyAffiliate.com --- You can do this free for 10 days. No credit card info is required. Don't you hate when they tell you it is free but you have to give your financial info.....Me too.....I hope you like what you see and will decide to take control of your own future.
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WA is a breath of relief when it comes to people who just can't connect with the employee lifestyle. My own experiences were very similar to yours, except I only waited a year before looking this place up again and joining. I knew it from the start and is why I went looking for WA again.
winddancer88 Premium
Good for you and i hope you will have great success. I am expecting great things through this training.