Be Prepared with First Aid Apps

Last Update: July 15, 2012
Traveling, camping and wilderness hiking are popular activities this time of year. Be prepared for emergencies by downloading a first aid app to your smart phone or tablet. These apps will be handy to use for your everyday life. You never know when an accident will happen that will require medical first aid. In an emergency every second can count so quick access to information can be critical.

The Army First Aid Manual has a number of PDF’s relating to first aid treatment or survival that can be downloaded to your tablet. The best part of being able to download an emergency PDF is that if you are in an area without internet connection you will still have access to the First Aid Manual.

Another favorite app to try is the First Aid American Red Cross app. It provides simple step-by-step instructions for First Aid and is integrated with 911. It includes videos and safety tips. Again this information is downloaded and you will have access to it at all times even if your internet connection is out.

Just remember to keep your batteries charged.

The flashlight app is a handy tool that may help if you are stranded in a dark area without a flashlight. It works best in a very dark area. I tried it out in a dark closet and it does work.

Take a few minutes now to set up these lifesaving apps to Be Prepared for emergencies. Can you tell that I use to be a Den Mother?

Are there any other apps for first aid or survival that you have found useful?

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TJ Books Premium
How would this old man do it? Tnx! John
Labman_1 Premium
Pack a book in your knapsack.... :)
Shawn Martin Premium
Excellent idea, thanks!