Posts by Yessharon 16
I always love discovering new tricks that my iPad or iPhone can do. Today I discovered Google Handwrite Search.This Google feature was launched July 30th and is still in beta. The tablet and smart phone can read the words that you write with your finger or stylus on the Google search page. Even with poorly formed letters Google Handwrite was able to read what I wrote.I introduced this feature to my co-workers today and some absolutely loved it and others did not see the benefit. One person said
August 15, 2012
The snipping tool is one of my favorite tools in Windows 7. The icon looks like a pair of scissors just waiting to snip a screen shot.It is so…. easy to use and more efficient than making a screen shot using print screen.One of my favorite ways to use it at WA is to snip screen shots of Jay's Wabinars. Whenever I see a picture or something that I want to remember from a Wabinar I quickly click on my snipping tool which is quietly waiting for me on my home screen toolbar. Then I outlin
When I checked my email this morning the following message was in my inbox.I opened the email and sure enough there was a whole page of listings promoting the Ear Force Head Sets. I normally just delete the emails from Amazon without checking out their products. But this time it made me think about how they promote products. I plan to read their emails in the future and take a few minutes to analyze the niches that they send me every day. Did you receive this email? If so, what did it make you
About a week ago Kyle posted a blog titled Share Your G+ Accounts Here! I linked to everyone who left a comment - not really sure of what would happen and not knowing what benefits would result.Today I was looking for some information about Wordpress and decided to check Dean’s ApinaPress Web Site to find the answer.I did a Google search for ApinaPress.Check out the screenshot below to see the search results from Google. On the right hand side is the post that Dean made this morning to Goo
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Traveling, camping and wilderness hiking are popular activities this time of year. Be prepared for emergencies by downloading a first aid app to your smart phone or tablet. These apps will be handy to use for your everyday life. You never know when an accident will happen that will require medical first aid. In an emergency every second can count so quick access to information can be critical. The Army First Aid Manual has a number of PDF’s relating to first aid treatment or survival that
Happy Fourth of July!Today many people will be celebrating Independence Day with a picnic with friends and family. We always go to a park and share the day with family. One of the fun things from last year was the pool full of ice and drinks. After the drinks were gone and the ice was melted the children played in the water and cooled off. It was very, very hot last year and the pool was a hit. It looks like this year it is going to be a scorcher.I am planning to take some Ziploc bags filled wi
There comes a time when all of the power and energy that we put into a project makes it "Tip" or brings it to the boiling point "212 Degrees". For internet marketers this process usually happens when our websites hit the first page of google or we make our first dollar. From there the energy seems to multiply.In the beginning we have the ideas and visions of creating something of value. Something that others will find useful. We do the research, gain the knowledge and then share the knowledge. T
Remembering Lindsey Baum Lindsey disappeared on June 26,2009 while walking home in McCleary, WA at about 9:30 in the evening. This was one of the longest days of the year and didn’t get dark until around 10:30 that night. It was still daylight out as she left for the short 5-10 minute walk home.She never made it home that night."There are days (most) when I don’t think I could miss Lindseymore, or hurt any worse, and then tomorrow comes and I seethat I was wrong – If only I ha
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day!
June 07, 2012
Storify is similar to Pinterest with one huge difference - it is social storytelling. Instead of pinning pictures you pin tweets, blog’s, snippets from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and pictures from Flickr or Instagram.These elements are pinned to a page where you can narrate a story and arrange them any way that you would like. These elements are easy to pin by using the Storify Bookmarklet on your browser or from the storify website. Below is a sample page that I created on the Storify