I Need Help with Writing a Tutorial

Last Update: May 26, 2012
I am having trouble writing a WA tutorial resource. The tutorial that I am writing “How to install a "Pin It" bookmarklet on the ipad. Is just about finished.
The part that I am stuck on is the code that the user needs to to insert into their bookmarks to make the "Pin It' bookmarklet work always changes wording after I save the page. Below is a screenshot of the page that I am trying to save the code on.

The word javascript always changes to the word removed, and the wording spreads into the right hand column on the page.

Below is a screenshot of this problem. The red text which is the code is my problem.
I have a work around where I link to one of my websites that contains the code, but I would prefer to keep things neat and tidy and contained in the tutorial.

I submitted a Report a Bug yesterday, but would like to finish this project this weekend.

Thanks for your help and ideas.

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Sielke Premium
its javascript so maybe you need to add a cdata line? Workaround would be to take a picture of the code and pasting. thats what I used to do before they added the code feature
yessharon Premium
I decided to publish the tutorial so you can see it better. I do not know how to add a cdata line. The page in question is titled Add Code to the Bookmark. If you can experiment a little for me with how to achieve the workaround I would appreciate it.
Sielke Premium
Forget the cdata thing, i took a closer look, they're just removing the javascript word which is ideal for security. Get in contact with Kyle or Carson and see if they'll make an exception like welshy suggested.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi, It's not a bug, you're just not allowed to add some types of code, specially scripts.
Maybe K&C can approve the code or something?
yessharon Premium
That is what I was thinking. Thanks for answering.