Posts by Algee650 3
What a workout tonight!! I hit it. And I hit it hard!! I was seriously feeling the AHHHNOLD pump!! On the way home I started to think about what made tonight's workout so great and so fulfilling. Out of all the things that it could've been, the one thing that stuck out in my mind was the pain. "What?!" Yeah the pain! Ok, not the pain. But the pushing beyond the pain. With weightlifting, the serious gains aren't really in the first 10-14 reps, it's in the last 1 or 2. The last 1
"Offline client"??  I just started my own website design/online marketing company (still haven't officially launched..hehe) and signed my first client today!! It's a web redesign job and reoccurring(monthly) social media/adwords/SEO campaign (still negotiating the monthly fees) Ok, so it has nothing to do with article marketing or making an online sale, but it has everything to do with how we market our own sites and utilizing the skills WE all have. I took the skills that I've
First blog post!  YAY!! Since I've joined WA I've really spent time banging out super productive tasks. I'm set to officially launch one of my sites real soon. EXCITED!! I've kept things real simple for myself and realized that we either need to be creating/arranging content/websites or promoting it. If you could stick to either one of those everyday for at least 2-4hrs, you'll be on your way. And in between those not so productive times, get your learn on...which is important too