Quality time doing quality work

Last Update: January 05, 2011

First blog post! 


Since I've joined WA I've really spent time banging out super productive tasks. I'm set to officially launch one of my sites real soon. EXCITED!!

I've kept things real simple for myself and realized that we either need to be creating/arranging content/websites or promoting it. If you could stick to either one of those everyday for at least 2-4hrs, you'll be on your way. And in between those not so productive times, get your learn on...which is important too, but not as important as actual implementation and action

My .02 anyway.

Happy creating and promoting!!



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Mz Liz Premium
I am new to WA as well. What I am learning is also to keep it simple and stay FOCUSED. And also, to take it 'baby' step by 'baby' step. When I start to get overwhelmed, then that's the time to step back or step away, give myself a 'brain' break and enjoy time with my family and friends.
algee650 Premium
Thanks! I'm trying to make it happen!
jatdebeaune Premium
You're making remarkable progress. Congratulations!