Great Workout Tonight=Great Biz Lesson

Last Update: January 19, 2011

What a workout tonight!!

I hit it. And I hit it hard!! I was seriously feeling the AHHHNOLD pump!!

On the way home I started to think about what made tonight's workout so great and so fulfilling.

Out of all the things that it could've been, the one thing that stuck out in my mind was the pain.


Yeah the pain! Ok, not the pain.

But the pushing beyond the pain.

With weightlifting, the serious gains aren't really in the first 10-14 reps, it's in the last 1 or 2.

The last 1-2 reps you thought you couldn't do, but with the help (and yelling) of a find yourself going beyond that point where you thought you couldn't get past.

And that got me thinking about this business and what's required. In order for you to succeed and make those serious gains, you must constantly go beyond that pain.

In other words, going beyond your comfort zone and pushing yourself past a point you thought you couldn't get past.

If you're accustomed to writing X amount of articles a wk, then it's time to push and make it X+2...or make it X amount of articles and 2 websites.

And pushing beyond the pain in the gym and in this business requires the exact same "muscle" to get you through - and that's the muscle between the ears = )

Whether you think you can or can't - you're right!!

Always think to yourself "YOU CAN DO IT!" = )

I know for myself, I know I can go above and beyond what I'm currently doing. And I need to!!

Ok, time to stretch my fingers and get to work!



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