First Sale back on May 7

Last Update: May 17, 2010

As I've seen other WA'ers do, I didn't check my Clickbank account for a while so I wouldn't get too discourageD.  I just checked it last night (May 16) and saw one sale back on May 7.  I pretty much got back into internet marketing when I joined WA on Feb. 4, so it took a little over 3 months to get my first sale!


Not too shabby if you ask me.  I was really thinking I would be waiting a year until I saw something in that CB account.  

Everyday I think I am catching on to IM methods more.  I am usually a big picture thinker meaning I tend to lump similar ideas and methods together.  Lately I feel like I am reading about the same type of methods over and over again.  Pick a promising product, get a redirect link until you start your own site, and get a ton of content out there linking back to your product.  The links should be from a variety of sources.  


I was very unsure about how much was a 'ton' of content.  With one sale under my belt, I have a little better feel for how much.  But I will still be adding to it to make sure the 2nd, 3rd, 100th sale comes in.


I owe most of this accomplishment to the WA community because I wouldn't have gotten back into IM with out all of you helping me see the possibilities.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

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stegmasterj Premium
I can't help much since I haven't been real successful, but have a piece of gold from me as incentive to keep trying. Take care..
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your success!