I could get lost in the WA Forums

Last Update: April 11, 2010

I just got done reading the forum discussion

One Thing Advance Internet Marketers Don't Tell You

The concept is a lot like what the Rich Dad Poor Dad books talk about.  If you believe you can make money, spending it to succeed is no big deal. 


I inherently always try to do most things by spending the least amount of money possible.  It doesn't matter that I may have more money to spend, it's the feeling of trying to get a "great deal".  This mostly comes from being the daughter of a Great Depression era dad.  I got great money saving habits from him, but also the habit of "not spending any money if you can" on the flip side.


I really want to believe that I am starting my own business finally.  It has been a dream of mine since I got my first "this isn't me" job out of college.  I don't know why I can get myself there yet and really jump into this.  A first sale would really help, but I don't think I have worked at it enough yet.  I don't have any want to give up on IM, but I am feeling a bit unmotivated lately.  


I need a good structured plan to keep going at this point.  I am usually a very good planner, but have been kind of scatterbrained during all the learning behind article marketing.  


Haven't made my mind up yet about the getting the article spinner/submitter software vs. PPG's OWM yet.  I have to go act like I'm still interested in my day job tomorrow, which just takes more time away from my dream.


I am going to ready more forum posts tonight as they seem to help me make up my mind on all things IM.  It's like having Amazon product reviews for all the concepts of IM in one place.


Enough rambling.  Like slugger said in the post I mentioned earlier "just do something" (paraphrased a little).

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allurimom Premium
Thanks for all the comments. First ones I have gotten for my blog posts.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think once you get passionate and hot to trot on your niche, it'll all fall in place. Don't know about you, but when I do something that sounds like it might make good money, but my heart isn't in it, I have a hard time getting motivated. When it is something that I like well enough to do for no money if necessary, then they'd have to tie me down to stop me. Are you like that too? OWM is fantastic! Don't know if you are already working with Pete and Mike. Their program sounds awesome.
Not2Late Premium
Greetings. I'm still not sold on a spinner. I think I'm doing much better (faster) without it but we're all different. Forum posts are great, I agree and it is SO easy to get sucked up into and before you know it - poof - hours have passed :)
Slugger_mn Premium
And If you are talking about mass article control, and mass article submitter.. The spinner is ok, the submitter stinks butt.. haha

Go with "The best article spinner" if any thing right now..
Slugger_mn Premium
Haha- (: I live by that...