What a ride - 2009 WA Challenge

Last Update: April 17, 2010

I just checked out some of the posts from the 2009 WA affiliate challenge tonight, mostly from music_mom30 (the winner!).  Wow these people really busted some 'you know what' for that contest.  Now I know why I haven't made any sales yet...I'm a complete slacker compare to them.


I am going to a 3 day training class for my day job that is out of town.  I hope to get a lot of work done on my IM campaigns at night during this time as I won't have the family interrupting me (but I will miss them immensely).  These business trips are always bittersweet.  I get time to myself, but I am still away from my hubby and kids.  Guess it also helps me focus on the big picture of just loving them no matter what they do to get on my nerves sometimes.  


Talk about focus (or loss of)...those forum posts were truly inspirational.  I can almost taste finishing my first campaign using OWM.  But only a brief taste as the next campaign after that will start right away, and the next and the next.  Not going to get discouraged at all.  Just keep putting stuff out there to be found and hopefully, it will lead to a sale or two (or a hundred).

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jatdebeaune Premium
Good attitude! Yes, just keep going. Have a good trip.