Made my decision...OWM it is!

Last Update: April 14, 2010

I my last post, I was torn between getting spinning and mass submitting software to get traffic to my lens OR finally purchasing OWM.  I chose to get OWM and LOVE IT!  I read the OWM guide in one night (couldn't put it down).  Then I read the Nick PMs and couldn't believe how many questions it answered for me.  I read it again today with my highlighter armed and ready.  I understand things a lot better the more times I read them.


I have to say it is a solid plan/method/recipe to get that first (and second and thousandth) sale.  I already see the potential to change up a few of the steps to make my own process that works, but I don't want to jump the gun.  I will first follow the steps to the tee.  Once I can prove to myself that I can get it to work, I will try some of my own tricks that I've learned here at WA.  


What a relief.  Finally a plan I can try out from a source I have grown to trust, PPG. 


I only hope that I can pull off the 'art' part of the plan. I'm talking about writing that non-boring article and convincing lens to get people to click to the sales page.  One major thing I have learned about IM so far is that you can put keywords in the right places, use free high PR sites for your articles and post links to feed sites all day long, but if you don't appeal to the PERSON, you will still not get that sale.  

Here's to getting there.  Day 1...


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jatdebeaune Premium
PotPieGirl is my hero too. She can organize your brain.
allurimom Premium
Absolutely! Welcome to WA.
carloscor Premium
Good going allurimom. Just joint WA. Just wanted to say hi. and hopefully be added to the buddy list.