Posts by Bigman 37
This Directive comes into force on the 26th May 2012. Unfortunately all webmasters have to comply because it's the Law. It applies to all Member States of the European Union and websites outside the EU are required to comply with the Law if they are targeting Member States. For example; A site based in the USA that sells products to consumers in the UK, or has a French Language version of its site aimed at users in France. If you don't comply the penalties are severe, with a maximum pena
Since the last update by Google which was named the "Penguin Update", this has caused me problems. Luckily I have no unnatural linking which is good. However it seems that so many links that I did have going out as affiliate links now end up on a 404 error page saying it doesn't exist. Two months ago everything was fine, today ten reviews are bringing back 404 errors. That is a lot of reviews and a lot of content, what I have read is that you don't delete the content. But inste
May 06, 2012
Using Twitter Tutorial Part 1 and Part 2 has been posted. I do hope you find it of useful. Please post comments. Cheers Neil
As the title says it's coming soon. I actually wrote this as a course and never used it, but there have been some changes on Twitter and I have been updating it and I thought it might help you to use it in either your own business or maybe just for fun. It's a combination of stuff that I have collected and written about. The material is all mine but it will have similarities to other people's courses. Just have a few more images to add then a few proof reads and it will be re
April 25, 2012
I haven't forgotten this but I think I am going to have to put this into several parts, for example part 1, part 2 and so on because at 45 pages long I think it's a bit to long to put as one complete tutorial. I'm not sure what you all think of this. Please let me know. Neil
April 20, 2012
It's been a long day today, worked on 2 blogs or I tried to work on 2 blogs at the same time and nearly came a cropper, thankfully it didn't happen. The music related blog had nine new video's added today, should have done these through the week but you know what happens. You plan your week on Monday then things go pear shaped and before you know it, it's Friday. The new site is coming along nicely, it isn't live yet, I like to use the Under Construction Plugin to sto
I bet everyone has had this happen at some stage or another. Well today I was going to do some more research and writing for a tutorial I'm doing, write a blog post on my blog and do some work on another website that I'm in a JV with. Instead at 14.34 in the afternoon I have achieved absolutely nothing. Last night a friend of mine turned up and we had a few bottles of cider along with a good chat about this and that. He left in the early hours and I went to bed at stupi
April 17, 2012
Kyle gave me a link to this software Which does look really good as I see it's the Industry Standard, however the cost is scary which today made me think about some free software that I have used in the past, Audacity. If you have never manipulated voice or music before and don't want to fork out the money then I can honestly say Audacity is realatively easy to use and it's Free. They have just released Version 2 which h
April 16, 2012
It's amazing what six months away does, you come back and there are all these changes which I must confess I do like. The Chat is really good now. Before I found it slow and didn't update very quickly, but this is brilliant because it is updating so fast, especially as I'm on the other side of the world to a lot of people. Neil      
1 comment
April 16, 2012
A 6 month gap and I have come back. The Dashboard has completely changed which does look a lot neater and easier to follow. Reminds me of the Social Networks I'm on. I have come back to haunt you all Neil