Posts by Canimbill 20
<html> <head> </head> <body> Don’t Be “Internet Invisible” Did you know that over 80% of small businesses look first on the internet for other businesses? Will they find you? welcome to is all about getting your small business VISIBLE on the internet.  Because, even though you don't conduct your business on the internet, that is where people will look for you first. What we offe
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Hello everyone, I've started a new website called I have been helping some local businesses out in gaining visibility on the web, using what I've learned over the last 4 months or so. So I thought I would develop a set of services, basic ones, to help any business do the same, although I am planning on keeping it somewhat local for now. I would really like to know what people think of the site, the appearance etc. It's not complete but you'll see how it looks and "feel
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Hi, I have had other committments this past week, but have managed to get a few things done. I have completed lesson 6, set up another website and spent a good deal of time tweaking my other "play" sites. Wordpress has its challenges, especially when your internet is slow. I found some good themes for promoting affiliate products using wordpress rather than a static website. Assessed StoreStacker and BlogProfitz and decided to give them both a big thumbs down. The both are from Halfaga
Okay, i'm not moving towards successful IM at lightspeed. I can say that without regret. But my daughter and my dog love my new career, and they don't seem to notice the lack of profitability. I drive my daughter to school in the morning before my wife goes to work. Right now we are getting by with one vehicle on the road and it's working out alright. My dog doesn't have to be lonely all day long waiting for someone to come home. He is a great excuse to go for walks during the day, or just get o
March 19, 2010
I posted this on a forum i belong to,, but it sums up where I am at in my training/business:  I am more or less in the "making some progress" category. I am an unemployed forester in BC but, frankly, am glad to have the chance to move onto something more interesting and better. I love forestry, but the opportunities are so limited it's gotten harder and harder to to the things i love in forestry. So here's what I have done since being unemployed (De
March 17, 2010
Hi, So I have three main campaigns to work on, all in retail products, all pretty wide niches, that is lots of variations on product. My main hurdle right now is to be able to put up a decent storefront to promote products that fits the individual niche. For example, one niche is a type of clothing, so I have HOPEfully found a good wordpress theme for a fashion store. I hate affiliate pages that just have a bunch of amazon links on them, so I am assuming others would hate them too. So I want a W
March 09, 2010
Apparently I posted a lot on my blog today... you see, the trouble with living in rural British Columbia is the internet can really suck. I get mine a couple of different ways: 3G network, but I'm a LONG way from the tower, I actually can't believe I get anything at all! Seriously, and I have it mounted in front of an old satellite dish on my roof just to pick up some extra signal! My neighbours think I am crazy... Sometimes I can steal wireless signal from a neighbour down the road who has sa
March 09, 2010
Hi Everyone, I thought I'd take a moment to say how it's going for me and how I find Wealthy Affiliates. First of all, I should say that I am gainfully UNemployed... the forest industry is doing very poorly here in BC and I have been aching to do something different with my time and ability for the last 12 months! I started looking to Internet Marketing last August, and over the course of the next four months there were two products I was interested in, namely Wealthy Affiliates and Micro Niche
March 09, 2010
Hi Everyone, I thought I'd take a moment to say how it's going for me and how I find Wealthy Affiliates. First of all, I should say that I am gainfully UNemployed... the forest industry is doing very poorly here in BC and I have been aching to do something different with my time and ability for the last 12 months! I started looking to Internet Marketing last August, and over the course of the next four months there were two products I was interested in, namely Wealthy Affiliates and Micro Niche
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March 09, 2010
Hi Everyone, I thought I'd take a moment to say how it's going for me and how I find Wealthy Affiliates. First of all, I should say that I am gainfully UNemployed... the forest industry is doing very poorly here in BC and I have been aching to do something different with my time and ability for the last 12 months! I started looking to Internet Marketing last August, and over the course of the next four months there were two products I was interested in, namely Wealthy Affiliates and Micro Niche