My Daughter and Dog Love My Career!

Last Update: March 25, 2010

Okay, i'm not moving towards successful IM at lightspeed. I can say that without regret. But my daughter and my dog love my new career, and they don't seem to notice the lack of profitability.

I drive my daughter to school in the morning before my wife goes to work. Right now we are getting by with one vehicle on the road and it's working out alright.

My dog doesn't have to be lonely all day long waiting for someone to come home. He is a great excuse to go for walks during the day, or just get out and throw the ball for him. The snow is gone and the sun is really starting to have some heat in it so it's good to have a reason to get out!

Finished a couple of articles today. Phew, they can really eat up the time! I am using a few tricks like:

  • using onenote software to cut and paste notes from the internet into. The notes retain the original website for citations and to go back for more if necessary
  • using a combination of Micro Niche Finder and WA keyword research tools to hone in on good keyword phrases. 
  • finding good source material, and not simply other people's spun material.
One thing about article writing is: so many articles are being written that at some point I think the content is actually becoming quite meaningless. I predict that search engines will back off on using them for ranking because they are just another version of meta keywords... now also largely ignored by SE's as well.

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