The Trouble With Rural

Last Update: March 09, 2010

Apparently I posted a lot on my blog today... you see, the trouble with living in rural British Columbia is the internet can really suck. I get mine a couple of different ways:

  1. 3G network, but I'm a LONG way from the tower, I actually can't believe I get anything at all! Seriously, and I have it mounted in front of an old satellite dish on my roof just to pick up some extra signal! My neighbours think I am crazy...
  2. Sometimes I can steal wireless signal from a neighbour down the road who has satellite internet. I only know he has satellite because some little utility I ran that showed I was on satellite. I feel bad doing this, but sometimes it's all i got! Oh ya, and I have an old linksys wireless router mounted inside a little parabola antenna taped to my ladder as far up as my usb cable will go. 
  3. Drive to town and sip coffee for hours at the local cafe which has such good internet they will soon be dragging me kicking and screaming away.
Anyway, I have all these duplicate posts because I thought the SAVE button wasn't working and I kept pressing it. Such a dufus, is there a reward for most blog posts? Let's hope not!

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