Testing Ad Copy for SmallBizViz.com... suggestions?

Last Update: April 19, 2010
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Don’t Be “Internet Invisible”

Did you know that over 80% of small businesses look first on the internet for other businesses?

Will they find you?

http://smallbizviz.com" target="_blank">welcome to SmallBizViz.com

http://smallbizviz.com">SmallBizViz.com is all about getting your small business VISIBLE on the internet.  Because, even though you don't conduct your business on the internet, that is where people will look for you first. What we offer your business is the chance to get online at an affordable price.

Getting listed on the internet today is not unlike the old YellowPages ads, only more complicated and less expensive. More  complicated because there are far more options for where to list your business, but less expensive because there are so many free services available.

http://smallbizviz.com">SmallBizViz.com will get you found, even if all you want is for your customers and clients to be able to find your address, phone, fax and email information. For many of my clients, that is enough!

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Scar0204 Premium
hey i am new to wa i just want to stop by and say hi