Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
Today is indeed Independence Day. I am no longer dependent on the small income I've been getting. It has been the best it could be...a job that only takes a few hours a week to complete and get paid fairly well for it...going out the window.[I actually started writing this the day it occurred (July 4) and realized I had not finished or published here it is belated.]I was called into a meeting Sunday, and the axe came down. Why should this be of any surprise. It isn't. Nine out of
I'm back.My landlord left for vacation on Thursday, Two days later, I lost my Internet connection. It has been down since up to a few hours ago.It knocks the socks off trying to keep up with things. Now that I'm back on, I am finding I'm two articles behind schedule. The horrible thing I just discovered in my email...A little over a month ago I was trying to download something I shouldn't have been even messing was one of those stupid things I have known for a long time
June 28, 2012
It's a bit, but the $5 helps!Someone had to have gone into one of my dated WA campaigns.When I get at least 30 articles pointing to GoPro homepage, I need to get my new WA campaign along as I am GoPro.There's a lot of work to do. I need to buckle down more, slacking a bit.I noticed something change on my dashboard and it didn't look quite right. Then I realized what I was looking at, the invited had moved from zero! Things are slowly coming together but there is quite a ways to go.It
It's been a really stormy week!Tropical Debbie has been sitting in the north Gulf and causing no end of trouble here. The last two days, I've become oblivious to the two feet of rain we had gotten during the time.But, over the last 24 hours, it's been the wind. I fear one of the huge limbs in the live oaks above my camper might come down atop my camper. there are some dead ones way up. It comes in intervals like the rain was coming in bands, light, and then coming down in sheets.It&
...but very enjoying. I could easily put out five, six articles in a day with the HS Agenda. I have almost five out in a regular "school" day, the model I swiped from my high school's website, still the same to this day.It worked well, Almost finished writing the series History of the Camera. Series. It should be about 2700 words. I got the idea through television log research and it dawned on me how content can quickly be put forth through sequencing it. I thought this would be a good mini
It's just making Page 6 of Google. It's not remarkable, but it's getting there.I just submitted an article for the page that's ranking I'm concentrating on that ...and I have not yet done most of the social bookmarking yet! I would like to make a link wheel using what I have now to start with. I want to point seven articles to it. The articles will be in a rough series, though not evident as a series (as I know EZA doesn't like those, and probably not SA wither.)Can
I have been trying to finish and submit an article since last evening. I lost some of my work trying to get the pages to load due to my internet connection (which goes bad often,) but the worst instance occurred when I went to save the article! Having had this issue many times before, I generally make sure I save my work often...but that does get away from me when I get involved in the writing and I forget to backup my work before hitting the Save button.I had written the remaining two-thirds of
It is a schedule I used to follow every day (even though that was decades ago.) I was in my Journal a few days ago and came across my 8th grade schedule. I looked it over with an idea that I could use something like this to ensure my most important issues get addressed every day.This morning began the regimen. No, this isn't the first time I've tried to implement something like this here. In fact, I will be drawing from the older attempts and making my system even better.As I work things
I want to thank everyone here who has been supportive. I'm sorry folks. This post concerns replies I get sometimes from a certain individual. I chose to remove the more details that were here about it.I don't always take very well to joking. It's fine when delivered on occasion, but it begins to show a bit of ridicule, that is sore spot in me.Yes folks, though I'm not a qualifying candidate to joke (because I can't do this without it backfiring, getting into trouble, and I lo
It's still in the oven...going direct from the camera to YouTube. It is my first time with YouTube as well, so things might not come out very well. Sound will be an issue but I think GoPro has an answer for this. I shot two videos. The first one I'm going to post. I go to church, and the effects the camera made inside the building is quite impressive. On the way home I decided to try "Burst Mode." Too bad. On the way home someone's cows got loose and were grazing on a nic