Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
I deeply appreciate the help I've gotten from this membership in more ways than one.   I've been admonished not to write in the Forum and my blog by several people over time now.  One of the latest things I've gotten was, in so many words, was that my writing here hasn't reflected any sales, making it irrelevant. Most people who admonish me not to write here argue that it saps doubt...a valid point.  I don't spend exorbinant time writing here.  What have I been doin
I'm going to lay myself out here as an open example as to why I don't find the kind of success I've been looking for. For me, at this stage in my life...I'm hoping it's not too late. As for you, whoever you are, that suffers from seeing life in pessimistic or negative ways, get yourself turned around as fast as you can!  Don't wait until you are old like I am. What Does Negativity Do For You? This is where I lay myself I can flash this warning and hopefully turn even a single perso
May 19, 2011
I realize I need to be on my campaigns than to be writing here, but this really deserves attention! Never Judge a Book By Its Cover! This is going to be short and sweet.  This could be you and this could be me.  Chances are, it is both. Right now I can't even buy toilet paper let alone a whiteboard.  I've been told several times now I'm sitting on gold.  Sometimes the very book cover we judge is our own.  We delegate where we are in life in spite of our inner potential!
I realize I should be working on my projects.  I've gotten that criticism for being in my WA Space and Forum too much.  Albeit, this is a need for me.  It keeps me alive in this.  You may not understand, but it's true...for me. I was a member at Sam Crowley's EveryDayIsSaturday program.  All I can say is it is one hell of a program!  It's not Internet marketing but it is another facet needed in becoming an entrepreneur!  This Membership program was the number o
I had a post here about impending homelessness and asked for help.  That help came literally overnight and I went to bed with one of you having sent me $20 and a few others sending golds.  (I will do your articles when you send me the details and you are ready) When I awoke I found an accumulation which has wiped out the rent deficiency I had.  It is now paid in full! I want to cordially thank everyone who has helped!  This wasn't an easy thing for me to do and I hope nobody
There's a bit of discussion going on here in the Membership about Mike Filsaime. I've been in some of his programs and they are not designed for success! In fact for this reason programs like this are actually designed to string you along and they're total rubbish for the average folk! I've seen Stompernet come out of the ground about three years ago. This video about it will shock you!Stompernet is one of WA's competitors but as you will see...there's a huge difference between these two memb
Is it another blog post on the woes of employment?  Hardly! I've very exciting news!  I firmly believe a make-over for my life is coming very soon!  In fact, I'm now rounding the corner and on home stretch! A lot of the way things are right now is certainly due to providence. How? Purchasing a Course in 2004 This was the "Auctions for Income" Course you might have seen on the late-night infomercials.  Like most people do with courses like this...learn what's in it a
At 8:00 this morning, instead of reporting to work, I was still home had gotten my magicJack (phone equipment) working...and called in. I wasn't sick. I wasn't going to be late. My moped didn't break... Rhonda, my boss' wife answered the phone... "Good morning Rhonda!" I said with glee, "I regret to inform you, you're fired." "What???" I Do Not Encourage This to Anyone Here... That's right.  I landed on uncharted territory with my fleet of sailing ships. 
April 11, 2011
Today was a busy day.  It seemed that the threat I had abased and things were looking better.  I could not have been more wrong!  After having cleaned about 12 cars and trucks today, it seemed that maybe, my boss was beginning to lighten up on me and I had just finished cleaning a Jetta Volkswagen. It was just about time for me to leave for the day.  I put the car on the "ready" line and went inside to collect my day's pay.  My boss was with a customer but was
April 10, 2011
I have not been very active here lately but that's attributed to training I'm now undergoing... Marcus had answered an e-mail I had written.  It was about my concerns as to why I'm not making money with any of this yet.  He was quite perplexed as to why, because after being here for well over year (actually pushing on 18 months now,) I've only secured one sale...and that was incidental. We must not discount that our own subconscious minds could be doing its own bit in giving us message