Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
Sure we have all gotten up one morning and felt the tell-tales signs of a cold or flu coming on!  It's like, Oh no! Not much can be done but to let this run its course...and do what you can to minimize the effects... One of those is getting rest and letting your body heal itself and battle the bug. Get Rest! OK, that sounds reasonable...but to many of us who are working's a downright luxury!  We live our lives on our employer's terms...and this includes being sick. Most emp
Things couldn't have turned out better!  I thought yesterday I should get to my taxes and get them done.  So this is what I did.  I was expecting a $55 refund because I had only worked about 7 weeks last year in a regular company.  So I kind of didn't do anything with this right away, but I figured, "Well, I might as well get this done.  It will put me about $50 away from my Yearly Membership Goal. More Than Expected! I realize I'm talking about small stuff here, bu
I have a space of about 15 minutes to write this, so it's going to be short... Wealthy Affiliate is the only "live" place from which I get support that I need to succeed in life.  That's all of it in a nutshell. Marcus responded to me in an e-mail for concerns I have for not succeeding here after being here for over a year. The crux of his message was two-fold...local marketing and planning.  Both of these things hit my problem squarely on the head.  I have nothing to hi
Many of you know I've been having some real issues with my job.  I have been working day-by-day with this situation.  One of the best things that could have ever come along in my life is Wealthy Affiliate! The reason for this post is because I had gotten a PM from one of the members here offering to set me up in a domain.  My website for WA has been down due to almost having lost my income over it.  It really goes to show just how much your job can control more of your life t
I really love this Membership!  Not only is this a tremendous breeding ground for success, it is also the largest culmination of like-minded people I've seen anywhere!  I've got to take my hat off to Kyle and Carson for this exhibit showing how the spirit in which they built this Membership could have such widespread and profound viral effect!  It is truly amazing! This post features one of the many great writers and thinkers in this Membership.  She wrote a post on my blog (
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March 10, 2011
In my archive of music throughout the ages, I found a song from 1927 that will fit my sentiments!  It has the very words said by many a working man as he struggles through the week to get to the weekends...only to feel the dread of the coming Monday during the weekend! The song has just enough  vocal in the middle of it to lead up to it with scenes of the work week...and the repeating routine.  It will have fade-ins and fade-outs of the alarm clock. The sequence will run...and the
Instead of writing about my job this time around, I'm going to write about an experience I had on the way home from that dreadful place! I left there, being let go early (and another tiny pay-for-the-day,) and decided to take a back street.  Upon coming out of that street onto the busy Fowler Avenue, I met up with someone on a bicycle.  He made a comment and it caught my attention. He was impressed with the motor on my bicycle and I gave him the information about it.  We talked ab
The following is a dialog between my brother and I.  It is self-explanatory... On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Daniel Euergetes [e-mail address removed] wrote: Hi Larry, I have not yet received a package from you.  Please do not lose those hard drives.  They have (or at least one of them) have important data on there.  They may contain data that I had lost from a massive deletion that had occurred in my Journal.  I'm very eager to get these and have a computer I can
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These were the words of my dear friend and mentor.  I pass them on to you for very good reason.  Poisonous people can really damage your efforts to go beyond mediocrity.  A sore lesson has been learned!  My WA promotional site is now out of operation.  The story and the lesson below... My Job Again! Yes, today was another awful day at work!  It was the worst day yet! I can't put all the details in here of the day because it would be too long, but one thing led to an
I'm a firm believer that the dreams we have at night are quite revealing if we listen to what they are saying.  Many people discount these nightly visitations as just nonsensical jargon the human mind comes up with on its own accord as it runs wild during the night. I think not! I Could Not Get That Photograph! I had a dream this morning, I was coming out of the woods to a big field.  I had always been familiar with this field as a child growing up.  I had been away from home for