Posts by Duley 9
December 02, 2010
I have to say I feel a little bad about not logging into my account here nearly as much as I would like, but I have been spending alot of time actually working on websites.  I have been reading over the warrior forum and have been in contact with a cool guy by the name of Colin McDougall. He has taught me a good deal about IM. The only problem is I am currently working full time and don't spend nearly as much time as I would like on my new found passion. It is really funny, but for some str
Hey all, it has seriously been three months since I last posted anything, but during that time I really have learned a ton of information about internet marketing.  A few months ago I couldn't tell you the difference between and  I now use a website called, and that allows anyone to enter any domains they have (doesn't matter who hosts them), such as blogger, twitter, blogs, Tumblr, and many, many more, to be able to add content
Alright so I haven't spent too much time recently here at WA I have been following along with Ed Dale and the Challenge. I have learned a great deal and have spent a lot of time working on my first real website.  I figured it was about time I jumped back here and see what was happening, but would also love to get some feedback about my site and what I could be doing to make it better (which is going to be tons, I know).  I still have much more content that needs to be added. Many parts
June 29, 2010
Alright new plan of action here. I am going to put promoting WA on hold for a bit while I work on some article writing. There are still too many details I am unsure of and I think I would just make a mess of things trying to use the new WP tool. But something for the future for sure.  Right now I have decided to focus on making Squidoo lenses as landing pages to promote Clickbank items. I am promoting an item called Jamorama for the guitar, but threw in another link though for a website cal
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First day of promoting wealthy affiliate not so good. That is ok though. I really didn't get a start working on this until much later than I should have. I am getting hung up though on working through the training to become an affiliate. One aspect I am really struggling with is coming up with good key words to use to promote the affiliate site. After doing a little research, three that stand out are: Should I join wealthy affiliate Truth about wealthy affiliate Income with wealthy affiliate I
June 23, 2010
Gonna make this pretty short. I have been dabbling around in my head about making a website to promote WA as you probably know from my last post. I am really excited, I have the next week off from my job. Well, not that I haven't had plenty of weeks off in the time I have worked at UPS, but this coming week might be different because I can make good use of the time off this time. I know it is kind of sad, having the week off from work is a highlight in my life right now. When I was younger, the
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After snooping around this site for a little while, I figure it is finally time to get familiar with some of the tools available on WA, and actually do something productive. I hate to admit it but it seems that something that should be an easy 20 minute project always takes me an hour. Things just take me three times longer than they should. Oh well, I guess that is my curse. What I mean are tools like Site Rubix, and Rapid Writer to name a couple. I want to kick myself because I should have alr
First off I would like to say thanks to all who responded to my first post here on WA. It is really nice to have friendly people that are really here to help. Or in other words, genuine people. It is refreshing to read posts by people that aren't just spitting out the same old stuff about how easy it is to make money online. Or how they make a hundred thousand dollars a month if you just follow these 3 easy steps.  In reality it only stands to reason that it is just like any other job. You
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June 16, 2010
Wow... I don't know what to say. There is so much information to wade through here it is crazy. I know I should have posted something sooner, but in all honesty I didn't know where to start, been too busy looking around the site. At least I have the comfort of knowing that everyone has to start somewhere right? It was only a few months ago that I didn't even know that internet marketing existed. I really am not quite sure how I found out about it, but I think it had to do with being fed up with