First Day Of Promoting Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: June 25, 2010

First day of promoting wealthy affiliate not so good. That is ok though. I really didn't get a start working on this until much later than I should have. I am getting hung up though on working through the training to become an affiliate.

One aspect I am really struggling with is coming up with good key words to use to promote the affiliate site. After doing a little research, three that stand out are:

  1. Should I join wealthy affiliate
  2. Truth about wealthy affiliate
  3. Income with wealthy affiliate

If anyone has any input about these keywords I would really like to see if I am even close to where I should be with these keywords.

Tomorrow I will have much more time to get started on this. Oh one more thing, I need to figure out how to use the hosting here at WA, but is Site-Rubix what I should use to actually make the website to promote WA or should I be using the new word press tool?

Thanks in advance.

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davidsharp Premium
If you are wanting to promote WA then use the new blog and funnel system, you will need a domain name and an Aweber autoresponder account as this is all about building a list in order to promote WA and anything else you want.

I have taken a look and am defiantly going to make use of it.
Old Mizer Premium
Since Wealthy Affiliate is so popular, I would put it into that category of "Dominating Words." Something that is going to take over when it is used in a search. Meaning it is highly competitive and probably won't get someone much traffic. It would be like typing "FREE", "Single Women" or "Single Men" into a search engine. Try one of those and see how many results come up. Go for something with smaller numbers. Sometimes reaching out to a limited type audience works. Such as, "Stay at Home Work For Moms." When you use them together, ...dominating search words like home, work and Moms, are more likely to get broader results with a keyword search tool. In my experience it seems that negative words will catch they eye as well. I guess you could give credit to the daily news for that fact. So a word like "Scam" may stand out the most. So mix it up with a few others like, "Work at Home No Scam Opportunities." In that phrase we used 4 dominating words while scam will stand out most to the average reader. Just the same, the keyword tool will give you more results since it isn't focused on one keyword. Out of curiosity, I looked up your keyword above and I think 95% of the results had those two words in them. If you are going to pick out 10 keyword phrases for a campaign you want them spread out a little more than that. 8^)
DABK Premium
You only have 1 keyword in those 3 examples: wealthy affiliate.
They are titles, or headlines, they're not keywords. Keywords are a word or string of words that people actually type in a search engine search box.
When I say they're not keywords, it's because google says no people have typed them in recently, so does wordracker.

Yes, use the worpress.

Hosting is easy. Click on wa hosting, get set your passowrds (you need to have a domain name first), get your nameserver info to your domain registrar, point the domain (click on the nameserver button at your registrar, type in the name server info and wait 48 hours. That's how long it takes for the stuff to take effect.

Any questions, feel free to contact me.