New Plan Of Action

Last Update: June 29, 2010

Alright new plan of action here. I am going to put promoting WA on hold for a bit while I work on some article writing. There are still too many details I am unsure of and I think I would just make a mess of things trying to use the new WP tool. But something for the future for sure. 

Right now I have decided to focus on making Squidoo lenses as landing pages to promote Clickbank items. I am promoting an item called Jamorama for the guitar, but threw in another link though for a website called zzounds. It is a place to buy musical equipment. I know it is kind of off track but I thought what the heck. 

So my day consisted of making my Squidoo page: Learning Guitar Chords For Beginners

After that I wrote an article and posted it on Articlesbase. From what I read though one is not even close to what I should be writing but I was trying to get the hang of it. And I even used Rapid Writer to do it. It is a very small accomplishment but still at least I am getting familiar with it.

Also again, it took me way longer than it should of just to do those two things, but next time it will surely go faster. 

Two things in closing. I inserted links in the body of the article not with my affiliate links but links to the Squidoo lens, and then from the lens I linked with my affiliate links. I am a little confused if you can do that or not because when I previewed the article all I saw was the HTML code for the links. We will see how that goes I guess.

The links from Squidoo worked fine, but I am not sure what I am looking for, to make sure if I get a sale that I get credited with that sale. The address bar up top looks normal to me. I was kind of expecting to see my affiliate link there.

So keep in mind that it is only my third lens, but I would love some input on what I could be doing better. I know there are a ton of things I could be doing better so be honest just be gentle lol.

Oh yes, one more thing, my keyword density was too low in my article as I intended to use the keyword "frustrated with learning guitar" as the name of my links and I completely spaced it out while I was writing the article.

Not sure why I put that in but maybe it will remind me not to do that next time.



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Shaselle Premium
You're well on your way! Keep it up! I have put my squidoo on hold for now whilst regaining my composure here.:))