Posts by Edrika1 15
February 26, 2011
Ok everyone! I finally submitted that article!  It took forever because I wanted it to be perfect. Oh well, at least I tried, LOL. Anyway, I don't know if I should have done it, but in the resource box I put my Mad Marketing Method link instead of my actual site.  Is this what I should have done.  I got an email from Carson saying that we could use them in the articles.  Have any of you done this and had success? My next question is a biggie for me.  I could have submit
1 comment
February 25, 2011
Well, I've completed my first article for Ezine submission. Since I'm starting off with the Super Affiliate program, I'm just wondering if it is appropriate to use the name of Wealthy Affiliate in my article if my keyword phrase does not use the name but uses the subject matter as part of the article.  I don't want the article to seem as if it's an ad.  So my intention was to make a suggestion of an online business as an option for income, then use the link in the resource box . 
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February 21, 2011
Ok, I was up to almost 4 am. working on the WA Affiliate course last night.  My regular course is at a stand still for a few more hours so I decided to get my WA site on the road to success.  I'm really excited. I've learned how to use the WA Keyword tool and now it is making sense to me.  I have all my keyword phrases listed and I'm ready to write an article for each.  One thing though, I decided to go to google adwords to do a check on the first phrase and discovered that g
Well, in my last post I expressed my concern regarding the fact that I was having difficulty following the action plan. Seems as if I was taking courses all over the place.  Mainly because I was following all of those links in the individual courses.  Now that I have my domain name, followed the Newbie Jumpstart Platinum program, and set up my Mad Marketing Course, I feel like I'm finally on my way to meet my early goals. I recently received an email encouraging me to set up my blog. U
February 09, 2011
Ok, I've completed all of these lessons: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><br /> PPC GETTING STARTED No Money? How To Fund Your Online Business When You Don't Have Money To Invest Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan (Step-by-Step) Search Engine Optimization - Getting Started Guide Keyword Research Research Getting Started Customer Purchase Lifecycle Performing Market Research