Posts by Famousplumber 9
November 25, 2010
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!    I've been working hard on my DIY plumbing site.  I did a search on all my pages and found that one of them is on Google SERP page one!  This with the site MAYBE one-tenth done,  a minimal backlink program and the good SEO techniques I've learned here and another place.  Talk about pumped! This really gives me excitement about the near future. I also have yet to monetize the site.  I guarantee I'll be gettin' on that real soon! Just wanted
November 10, 2010
GOIN' HOME! I'm going home for a few days.  My hometown just happens to be Las Vegas, Nevada.  My brother still resides there after all these years.  He needs some fairly major plumbing work done, so guess who got elected? will be great to see him and some old friends. I don't "do" the casinos.  I know better!  I'll probably see a couple shows.  My Bro is a musician with his own studio, so he gets us "comped" into some nice entert
October 20, 2010
Have you wanted to build your own content rich website but just don't know what it would be about? Hi! I'm Larry Stahl, aka famousplumber. I am, in fact, a retired service plumber with nearly forty years of "butt-crack" time! I really am an expert in plumbing and drain service, installation and repair. I am currently building what will become a huge, content laden do it yourself plumbing site. As it grows past thirty to forty pages, I will start monetizing it in a variety of ways. I wi
October 16, 2010
I just read an inspiring blog post by bkb2012. Her post, in turn, inspired me to write about that which keeps me "on fire". My Father, God rest his soul, was a newspaper editor for most of his adult life. A high school dropout, he got a job after World War 2 as a copy boy at a small paper in Northern California. My Dad was, in fact, a brilliant, well-spoken and hard working man. He applied himself to his newfound proffession and rose through the ranks quickly. Copy boy,
October 10, 2010
                      CONTENT  IS KING  I have, and continue to, learn so many useful marketing devices and tools here at WA. The tutorials ,the Forums, the one-on-ones, the blog posts, studying the efforts of others, all are contributingto a well rounded internet marketing education. I have put some of this knowledge to practice, experiencing the successes and failures that, I
September 13, 2010
When you walk into a Department Store, do you have to pay to get in? With some exceptions, the answer is no. Places like Costco charge a fee, yet it is well known and no attempt is made to hide it.  I, like many of you, get e-mails daily. "Click here for this amazing free (I'm'ee) download that could change your life!" So, you click the link and download what is nothing more than a "teaser", leading directly to the ubiquitous "sales page". At th
August 26, 2010
I am so grateful for all you nice folks that commented on my "$6.69" blog.The encouragement I have gotten just keeps me energized.  It's so very rare on the internet to have such an open and honest community like here at WA.  I am beginning to see the wisdom in Carson's teaching that I should pick one marketing form and master it before trying something else.  I've been sort of "dabbling" and I think it is costing me.  I am going to give a lot of thought t
August 25, 2010
                       Success is Success, Big or Small I received an Affiliate check today in the amount of $6.69.  It's the only check I got today.  At first I was kinda ticked.  $6.69!  Sheesh!  Why do I do this? Then, I came to my senses.  What if I got ten checks for $6.69?  How about a hundred checks for $6.69?  The action I to
August 09, 2010
Fear,  insidious as it endangers success, yet pervasive while promoting failure.  Can you sense its grasp, or, like me, have you stared at its hideous face and released its hold?  Sixty-three years old I am, yet the stark realization of the negative effect that fear has had on my life has been a recent revelation.  Focus lost, action not taken, opportunity passed by; all caused by fear.  Goodbye, you emotion of doubt and weakness!  I cast off your dastardly spell!&n