Last Update: November 10, 2010


I'm going home for a few days.  My hometown just happens to be Las Vegas, Nevada.  My brother still resides there after all these years.  He needs some fairly major plumbing work done, so guess who got elected? will be great to see him and some old friends.

I don't "do" the casinos.  I know better!  I'll probably see a couple shows.  My Bro is a musician with his own studio, so he gets us "comped" into some nice entertainment.

It will be nice to take a short break from IM.  I've been stretching myself way too thin.  Gotta stop that!

Be back Tuesday, Nov. 16.  Thanks to all you great folks here at WA.  I'll miss being here on a daily basis.

Your fellow WAer,

 Larry Stahl 

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Fallulah Premium
Have a fantastic time and enjoy your break - oh, and the sun [lol]!
morlandroger Premium
Enjoy :-)
have fun! :D
Khairul Anwar Premium
have fun! =)