Last Update: August 26, 2010

I am so grateful for all you nice folks that commented on my "$6.69" blog.The encouragement I have gotten just keeps me energized.  It's so very rare on the internet to have such an open and honest community like here at WA.  I am beginning to see the wisdom in Carson's teaching that I should pick one marketing form and master it before trying something else.  I've been sort of "dabbling" and I think it is costing me.  I am going to give a lot of thought to which "form" I am best at and stick with that form only until I am successful with it.  It's kind of like I want to master the whole deal. Ain't gonna happen!

It's cool that I have faith in myself, yet it's not cool that I've sorta ignored the "Master"and been too eclectic in my efforts.  Lesson learned!

Thank You all for being so encouraging!




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Carson Premium
AndreErasmus Premium
I think a big problem for a lot of people starting IM is that they want overnight success, that might happen to some but for most of us it is a huge learning curve and takes time to establish methods that work constantly. WA is a great resource to make all this happen and the community helps a lot to push us in the right direction. Dabbling in the beginning might not be such a bad idea at least you get to know what works and what does'nt work. Time is never wasted as long as you take action and learn from your mistakes. Good luck with your online ventures.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Larry, great to have you in the WA family! Yes, I agree 100% that we are very blessed to have some of the best in the business in our WA family worldwide. You should listen to Carson's wisdom and become a master. Think about two med students each spending an equal amount of time and $$ during college. One becomes a general practitioner and the other becomes a specialist making way more $$ annually.