Last Update: October 20, 2010

Have you wanted to build your own content rich website but just don't know what it would be about?

Hi! I'm Larry Stahl, aka famousplumber. I am, in fact, a retired service plumber with nearly forty years of "butt-crack" time! I really am an expert in plumbing and drain service, installation and repair.

I am currently building what will become a huge, content laden do it yourself plumbing site. As it grows past thirty to forty pages, I will start monetizing it in a variety of ways. I will begin working on reciprocal and one way backlinks.

What is your area of expertise? Website development might very well not be your cup of tea. I am here at WA to learn as many other marketing forms as I can, and this is the best the internet has to offer for that.

Yet again, I query, what is your area of expertise? So many folks have extensive knowledge on certain subjects without realizing it.

Say, for instance, you've been to Las Vegas many times and know a lot about the town. Vegas itself is a huge and highly competitive market on the internet. What if, however, you know about the places the "locals" go in Vegas?  What if you knew where the best food is and at the best prices? What if you knew about the places to be wary of in Vegas? What if you wrote experience reviews about the places you've stayed?

The point is, you're life experiences are replete with knowledge that is quite "shareable". My site will be free information for folks who want to do their own plumbing, where possible. No strings, no cost. Will I use AdSense, affiliate links for tools, equipment and parts? Sure! Have I done voluminous keyword research to optimize my pages for organic ranking? You betcha! Have I sent e-mails by the score to potential links and affiliates? Oh, yeah!

I'm just saying that perhaps you could build a content site and just don't realize it. With all the WYSIWYG's and ping software and backlink checkers and helpers and keyword density checkers, etc., that are available (most either here at WA or free at certain freeware sites), building a site is not as difficult as you may assume it is. It is a lot of work! So what!

I just wanted to throw this out there. So many people are into article marketing, et al (and there is certainly nothing wrong with that) that I wanted you who don't already know that content rich websites are still alive and kickin'!  Remember, WA itself is a massive, content super-rich website.

If I can ever help anyone in any way in website development then let me know.


Larry Stahl (famousplumber) 

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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Larry, congrats on your new project! You have so much industry experience, a great work ethic, and the good vibes as always. You will go far, that's for damn sure.
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with you Larry. I have a content rich site too, in a niche that encompasses my on land professional life. Did it to share what I know and also I thought I would have a better chance of success with something I know and love. At least, working doesn't feel like work. Have you ever used Joomla to build a site?