Posts by HelRay 11
I reallly don't know what is going on here.... since I started writing articles on SA and linking to my website I started getting some positive comments which was good, right? Some of these comments looked like they had been written by people whose first language is not English, but I wasn't concerned by that. The comments are increasing - but I have noticed that not one of them actually refers to the subject of my website they are just general comments and some have absolutely nothing t
June 17, 2012
Wow!I go away for 1 week to a Greek Island with impossibly slow internet connection and on my return I find my ranking on WA has dropped from 65 to 87! Looks like I've got some work to catch up on!I have to say I have had an incredibly relaxing week - I also inadvertently left my phone at home through switching bags last-minute so that combined with the internet problem meant I had no distractions. Kos is a beautiful island, the hotel we chose was adults only, so it was quiet and peaceful an
June 05, 2012
Well, the last few days have been a bit of a mix of catching up with chores, working on my allotment trying to retrieve websites that had been taken down by another hosting company due to a mix-up with primary email addresses and billing invoices (thankfully resolved!) trying to find a way of moving the said website over to WA hosting (not resolved) AND getting very frustrated with myself at my lack of technical knowledge!I have had doubts about the niche I had chosen to go with, procrastinated,
May 31, 2012
I know, I know! I haven't been around for a few days..... I have temporarily stalled on the 30-day success program. I had choices to make, after (literally) weeks of non-stop rain here in the UK the sun finally came out and I was able to venture onto my allotment for the first time without wading up to my knees in mud. Unfortunately, the weeds had been growing vigorously all the while and subsequently I have a wildly overgrown plot of land which needs to be cleared to make way for my vegetab
May 19, 2012
I haven't been able to do very much during the week, so today was the day to buckle down and make some more progress in the 30 day success program. I found that I had to back-track over some of the days as I had forgotten what I had done previously, and then I got a bit bogged down in keyword research - over and beyond what was actually necessary! I managed to pull myself back into focus and cracked on with activating Google Analytics, joined CB and Amazon plus a couple of independent affili
So, here I am, getting through the first few days of the 30 day success program, feeling all happy with myself for getting this far. then I decide to go "off road" and change my WP theme. BAD MOVE! Don't ask me how, but I ended up deleting all the content I had put on my site. (Ok so it was just one blog, an about me page and a privacy policy - but still!) So tonight has been spent putting it all back on again. Lesson learned? Maybe I should stick to the training rather than trying
Well, this is day 10 of the 10-day free WA trial. How have I fared? I didn't manage to get through 10 days of the 30 day success program, but I did get to day 7, which isn't bad considering I work full-time and commute 3 hours a day on top of that AND my internet connection has been at best, sporadic. How do I feel about WA? I think I have felt every emotion a human is capable of feeling over the last 10 days, happy, sad, anxious, excited, angry, elated - it's been a roller-coaster
Blog post 13 Jun 2022 - 3 content here.Edited by Carson.
May 09, 2012
Got home last night, keen to begin the next step of finding and researching concepts and keywords only to find my internet connection was down! An ongoing problem with my ISP and something that is crucial to sort out..... I'm back on track now - following new people and reading about others' experiences with WA. Keywords are done and the next step is my first article. Thankfully, I can do that without an internet connection. Just need to decide which topic to concentrate on. Can'
May 07, 2012
My website is coming along nicely! I have added content - Homepage, About Me page, Privacy Policy - it's looking good. Small problem that I am sure is easy to iron out - there seems to be a title called "home" already - it comes up under posts rather than pages. I want to delete that and call it Blog, but can't find how or where to do that. Other than that, I'm really quite happy with what I have done so far.  It has been a bit of a struggle motivating myself to do