Blog post 13 Jun 2022 - 3

Last Update: July 25, 2022

Blog post 13 Jun 2022 - 3 content here.

Edited by Carson.

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Deezdz Premium
Once I start writing I usually enjoy the process and feel a sense of accomplishment once I submit to a directory. It's getting up the "gusto" to actually start that I sometimes find difficult. I just try to tell myself all the "little" steps will lead to great success.
HelRay Premium
That's exactly my attitude too! Baby steps will lead to bigger and better things, and think of all the new things we are learning every day, and the relationships we are building with fellow WA colleagues - awesome!
stadium Premium
I usually try to think of someone specific when I write an article. Like my dad, mom, sister or specific friends. I write articles like I am talking to that specific person. With my sister she may be calling me to ask about something she is buying one of her kids for her birthday, with my mom I might have to go really slow and explain the obvious, with my dad it might turn into an argument or a contest, I also think of my friend personalities. I also read a lot of amazon comments on products and some of the comments you can turn into your own story.
HelRay Premium
Hi Stadium!
That is a very powerful strategy, I never thought of doing that, but it makes perfect sense to imagine you are talking to a real person - I'm sure it makes the words flow much more naturally. I will bear this in mind for my next article - thank you
klrrider Premium
Although it depends on what I am writing about, overall article writing has not been all that easy for me either. I can have writer's block for days on end. However when in my writers "groove" I can be very prolific... for me that is. Yesterday while listing to Hug Laurie's "Let Them Talk" album I wrote 4 quality articles. Music works for me... Chris Isaac, CCR, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Sheryl Crow are some that motivate me. What is yours?
HelRay Premium
Wow, that is interesting, for me, I need silence! Music distracts me, my husband is a musician and often composes and records at home - when that is going on, I just can't concentrate! He is away on tour at the moment so I have blissful peace and quiet.....
georgejhaas Premium
Congratulations on submitting your first article. That is a huge load off your shoulders. Take it one day at a time. The next thing you need to do is to promote either a product or service with your article so you can begin to make some money. Hopefully, you have already purchased a domain that closely resembles your niche.

It took me at least six months to write my first article. After that, they became easier. I now have over 120 articles on the web and growing.

Stick with it. Do not give up! Hope you enjoy being a member of WA.

HelRay Premium
Hi George,
yes, I have a website that is linked to the subject of my article, but it is still very basic and under construction. I have had a sense of urgency to get the article written, as I am now on the final day of the free 10 day trial of WA and I wanted to see how much I could accomplish in that time. Even though I haven't made it through 10 days of the 30 day success program, I am still happy with my achievements and will be joining the permanent WA community as of tomorrow! Thank you for your advice and support,
ThomasPaul Premium
Congrats Helen on your first article!

Awesome attitude to have!

It took me probably a year after I got into affiliate marketing to buy a domain name. I wanted to do it the "easy way" and just do direct linking that way I wouldn't have to make any content. It took me probably another year after that to put up any sort of website. Wordpress just "overwhelmed" me, even with all the tutorials that was available to me online.

It took me two attempts to finish the street articles 30 in 30 challenge. I also found myself putting off the important tasks to do meaningless tasks.

Probably the biggest thing that helped me was becoming aware of how I work. Looking back I realize that trying to go the "easy way" was probably in fact the hard way. If I had started out and been willing to put in a true effort from the get go I'd be a lot farther along today.

Also, I know I tend to not ask for help. If I asked for help every time I felt overwhelmed I think that would have also helped me out a lot because instead of doing nothing I think support from other people would have pushed me to take action.

Over the years I have also learned to be kinder to myself and not beat myself up mentally when I find myself procrastinating. I still take a note that I'm doing it, but instead of thinking to myself that I'm "lazy, incompetent, uninspired, etc..." I just take the view point that's it's an area of my life that I can improve on and leave the negative judgements out of it.

You're doing great!
HelRay Premium
Thank you so much for your comment - you see, I knew there were like-minded people out there that understand what I am going through! I think having an awareness of a tendency to procrastinate helps overcome it - like you say, acknowledge that you are doing it, but don't beat yourself up with negative thoughts. Let it pass and then work doubly hard when in a more motivated frame of mind....
I am looking forward to where this journey is going to take me.....