A Bit of a Yo-Yo day!

Last Update: June 05, 2012
Well, the last few days have been a bit of a mix of catching up with chores, working on my allotment trying to retrieve websites that had been taken down by another hosting company due to a mix-up with primary email addresses and billing invoices (thankfully resolved!) trying to find a way of moving the said website over to WA hosting (not resolved) AND getting very frustrated with myself at my lack of technical knowledge!
I have had doubts about the niche I had chosen to go with, procrastinated, got distracted, you know - all the things we are encouraged NOT to do here at WA! You get the general idea. You see, this is me all over, and it is why I have underachieved in my career path up until now. BUT, I am AWARE of my self-defeating behaviour, ah-ha! I say to myself, you are doing it again, STOP RIGHT NOW AND DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE! So after kicking my own butt, I sat down and wrote 3 articles, YES 3! and submitted them to SA (waiting for approval) I linked them all to my original website - the one outside of WA which I am still determined to get inside WA if I can just figure out HOW (its all this backing up to an FTP Client that I just can't seem to master) so all in all, I HAVE had a productive day. Tomorrow it is back to work, but only for 4 days and then I have a week off in the sunshine of the Greek Islands (have already dropped a rather large hint to hubby that the laptop WILL be coming with us) I have no idea what internet access will be available there, but at the very least, I can continue to write articles!
Boy-oh-boy, I don't make life easy on myself do I? lol
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klrrider Premium
WP Time Machine is a great plugin for a full site backup... that is a full site backup not just your database. The plugin is free and designed to place your backup in your drop box account.

From there you can move to your desired hosting account. I will vouch for Seilke as per Labman's comment. Helped me immensely (still helping) and always there for anyone here at WA.

Not sure who your hosting with but I use hostgator with no problems and great support when needed. 9.95 mo baby crock account. I presently have over 20 sites on this account.

Craig's excellent video... different plugin but still free...
Labman_1 Premium
Oh, one of the other Craigs.
klrrider Premium
sorry Labman... didn't completely read your post...
HelRay Premium
Thank you for the advice - will check it out this evening when I get home!
veronica.l Premium
3 articles that is what happens when you take action, great job!!

I see myself in your description lol I would get so frustrated with setting up a website or any other techie stuff for that matter. The thing is though when you have done it ones and twice it becomes soo much easier. So don`t be hard on yourself, you are doing great!

Where are you going in Greece?
HelRay Premium
Hi Veronica,
yes it is SO easy to get distracted and frustrated, but I am determined to stick with this as I know it will get easier as I go along. Going to Kardamena on the island of Kos - to a quiet hotel tucked away from the main "party" area (hopefully!) Am looking forward to a bit of relaxation in the sunshine as the weather in the UK has been pretty dreadful so far!
Carson Premium
HelRay Premium
Thanks Carson,
looking forward to my week in the sun - I am determined to keep on track however frustrated I get with myself - I know the only way I am going to succeed is by continued action, procrastination is not going to get me there! I appreciate your continued support - messages from the WA community are a fantastic motivation.
Labman_1 Premium
Seilke did a nice tutorial on moving your site to different hosting. Give it a look.