1 Week Vacation

Last Update: June 17, 2012
I go away for 1 week to a Greek Island with impossibly slow internet connection and on my return I find my ranking on WA has dropped from 65 to 87! Looks like I've got some work to catch up on!

I have to say I have had an incredibly relaxing week - I also inadvertently left my phone at home through switching bags last-minute so that combined with the internet problem meant I had no distractions.

Kos is a beautiful island, the hotel we chose was adults only, so it was quiet and peaceful and had the most beautiful swimming pool. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky and temperatures of around 30-35 degrees C. Now I am back in the UK and facing a week-long heath and safety course starting tomorrow...... ho hum! Better start writing some more articles!
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ThomasPaul Premium
Slow internet is the worst. Even worse than no internet!
TJ Books Premium
Glad you had a nice vacation. Your ranking tumbled because they have changed the ranking system but they are not finished so who knows for sure what will happen next. I went from 51 where I have been forever to 13. John
suem Premium
Sounds a bit like Google lol!