My First Day with WA

Last Update: May 05, 2012

I am SO excited! This is day 1 of the 10-day free trial of WA. I have chosen a niche (something I love) found a relevant .com domain name, chosen a Wordpress theme and created a (very basic) website with an active contact email address. Have also activated the All-in-one SEO pack. I am on my way. Looking forward to making more progress tomorrow!

Hello World, indeed!


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kyle Premium
Great to have you here at WA! Sounds like you are making some great progress and doing so quickly, keep it up you are well on your way! :)
Viterbi Premium
Welcome and congratulations on your first achievements!! ;-)
Apina Premium
Andynstah Premium
Congrats on that HelRay, it's always a plus when you are in a niche that you love and already know something. Seems like you got the technical staff under control too :)
BIS Premium
Congratulations. You have made a really good start. If you get stuck at all do use the live chat to get a quick response.
HelRay Premium
Thank you for the tip - I'll be sure to do that.