About Huntsnan
Joined May 2012
Using the free OEP since I'm on unemployment - would LOVE to get on WA for good, my intent is to make enough money to stay FOREVER!!!
Have ten days to learn as much as I can, have a start, just have not connected all the pieces together yet.
Keep me here, I wanna' play!
Will work for food - no, make that a WA subscription!!!!
I'm too old and don't want another j-o-b, have been wanting to do internet marketing for over 10 years, had a couple of false starts - life always seems to get in the way. I now realize that I cannot let that happen again. I am determined. I will succeed.
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Hi, Huntsnan. Welcome aboard. I made a deal with a friend that needed a web presence. She paid for my first 3 months here at WA and I shared my knowledge that I was gaining with her by "Doing" what I learned for her website. Nothing fancy; she pays for her own domain and hosting elsewhere so she is not dependant on me. After 3 months she was already seeing results and is now paying me by the jobs I do for her and I make more than my WA costs. I learned how to charrge for these services from one of the WAbinars on Local marketing. Stick around! Sherry M
Thanks, Sherry! I have been aroung the IM idea for a long time now, but until now I just played. I now have to get down to business. I was in WA for about a year and didn't take advantage of it - if I had I wouldn't be so needy now! LOL! Hindsight ain't so pretty. Thanks for the welcome!