So Let the Journey Begin

Last Update: May 03, 2012


I promise to not read without taking action on what I have learned.  I promise to become a participant and not be just a bystander looking for handouts.  I promise to take the knowledge that I obtain and make it a success.  I promise to take constructive criticism and use it to my best advantage.  I promise to stop looking for that proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs - the shortcut that doesn't exist.  I promise to keep the mind and heart I currently have - the desire to succeed online - and work as hard as I can to accomplish my goals.

Thank you Kyle and Carson and your incredible team for making this time possible.  And thank you in advance for all those who are so willing to help those of us willing to be helped.

I was a previous member of WA and did not use their wonderful site to my advantage.  I did a lot of the things I have promised myself I would not do again if I had the opportunity for a do-over.  I know that this time is short and I must make best use of it.  It is up to me and I understand and take full responsibility for it.  I will work hard to be able to stay with WA for the long term.

I know the basic concepts, I know the opportunities out there, now for the real test - connecting the dots. 

So let the journey begin... 



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Deezdz Premium
Welcome back and all the best to you!
Leatnel Premium
Thank you , Huntsnan! This sounds like my story exactly! Second time at WA and I PROMISE too. I intend to stay here this time. This blog was encouragement and I thank you. I liked your first sentence because taking action is a main point. Doing what you learn here, following through, is the only way it's going to happen. I think I'll go make my own blog on tthis subject :)
Thank you, Leatnel. We will really do it this time, with a little help from our friends!
BIS Premium
The best of luck on your journey.
Thanks, BIS, see you around!