Playing Catch Up!

Last Update: May 05, 2012


On my third day in the WA family (this time) I am already finding myself getting behind schedule. Today I must finish the tasks, the promise, that I made yesterday to create outside blogs (I have a good start on them) and write at least 4 articles and post to two article directories.

Due to unforeseen family circumstances I ran out of time to accomplish all I had planned.

This is one more reason that I am going to be successful in my online business endeavors. I need the freedom of working hard at times other than regular business hours.

I must get on with the day, for my success is up to me and me alone ("Ooh... I get by with a little help from my friends, ...mmm... I'm gonna' try with a little help from my friends")

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BIS Premium
Hi - Congratulations for what you've achieved so far. I have to reiterate what @IGOTFISH has already said. You have to pace yourself. I have written a recent blog about not burning out which you may find helpful.
Check out the articles by Kevin Strike on SA. The one on May 4th covers overload
Just a little advice. Don't schedule so much work that you go into overload. Been there done that and it was a real setback. There are some good Street Articles on this issue. Good luck and stick with it.
Thanks BIS and IGOTFISH for the support. I am in such a hurry to practice what I have learned - I know I overwhelm myself, but it is so much fun to prove to myself that I really can do this! I am practicing staying focused, putting all else aside for short periods of time so that I can do what I need to here. Plus, I only have a few days to get it right with all of your support and teaching. I still have to learn how to connect a lot of dots....LOL!!!