Day 7 - Plugging away -

Last Update: May 09, 2012

Here is my first WA blog, have 3 articles linked to it (if I don't do again what I did before and NOT link!)  Feel free to comment, it may be over the top, too wordy, whatever - I know I will need to tweak

I have soooo many blogs that have just been sitting there, and 4 out of the 6 domains I have purchased have nothing on them.  That is what you get when you try to follow a program that does not have all the answers you need - still trying to absorb all I can here, I understand now why I have never been successful in all my tries at bat.  Not enough information.

You can look at the website I made for my sister's business and the blog at  Am I on the right track, do you think?

Remember - one of the promises I made my first day is to take constructive criticism and convert it to something good! 


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Labman_1 Premium
I like the furniture business site and the blogger posts. Good high quality information. More of that.
Your landing page doesn't instill that kind of confidence. When I see a page like that I don't even read the text. Just say bye bye. You asked for honest criticism. That is the way I feel.
Put together a folksy page, give them information, Some subtle links are good. The in your face promotion just turns people off.
Oh, I so agree! I looked at some of my other blogs (that I just do for fun) and I CAN actually talk like I am talking to a friend so I know I can do it - I think I just stressed about it a little. I got some really good feedback, so I'm off to the races again, as they say!
Thank you Labman, your input is great -
This is what I need to make me better - - no, make that successful!
Labman_1 Premium
Have a look at what Marcus has done at WA I think that's what I saw.
Google it and it will pop right up.
WA blog on blogger: My personal preference is to not use centered text unless you can separate the blurbs, and manually split the sentences to achieve visual balance. Your content appears complete, but if it's visually difficult to absorb, you'll not engage your reader deeply enough to develop that desire to click through.

Furniture refinishing - I love that cedar chest!!! Wow! (Hawg blog) I didn't notice pricing, but perhaps I missed it by not visiting every single page.

Furniture Restoration blog - some very nice content that is interesting to read. (I have a series of Squidoo lenses on woodworking, so reading your blog was enjoyable. )

I'm curious as to the books on the background, though ... I would have expected something less library and more workshop.

My only suggestion would be to break up the text into smaller chunks to make it easier for people to read.

Also putting in some paragraph headers in bold print would help - my understanding is that you can put keywords in those for a little extra google juice, but with all the recent changes, I could be all wet thinking that.

It would help the eyes track and if you hit the high notes in bold between sections, your reader will be more likely to see at a glance that there's something worth sticking around to read.

Hope this helps. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your input. Good idea about the paragraph headers - knew something was needed, just couldn't put my finger on it! I also get so wrapped up in what I am trying to say that I say too much, too fast - it shows in my writing - can you tell?
The background books - I used a template on blogger and just have never changed it out - laziness can be blamed. I am thinking of using an actual picture of part of our shop. I just don't know if the detail will show through. Furniture, just thought of that! DOH!
I need to play around and tweak. I sure appreciate your good suggestions, though, sometimes it just takes a new set of eyes, and yours appear to be pretty good!
I like the idea of using an image of your shop! I actually got started on Squidoo to sell my husband's woodworking, although he had to retire from it for health reasons in 2010. He made cutting boards.
Huntsnas, I am not sure how long you started working online, but all these website show the dedication and the implementation of your learnt stuffs. Now, if you want honest feedback for your blogs:

first, for the WA blog, it is good, but people outside WA should be encouraged enough and you need to put in long hours on that blog. You need to write regular posts on several features inside WA in order to impress the visitors. You can get an idea from the emails sent to you By Kyle and Carson. Just try to grab the USP of WA and write on your own and promote it.Keep a comment section under the every blog post. Try to update your blog with at least 5 new posts per week. Once you have got some worthy content, it is time to promote your blog and you will come to know about it with in WA for sure. Just for the time being, you can ping your blog after every single post.You can use their service:

And for the furniture site, it looks Ok. Please remove the Marquee tag on home page, rather you should keep the TEXT fixed with some matching fonts and color.

Thanks so much! It is good to have some feedback! I just put the blog up, so I haven't tweaked yet, plan on giving folks more info and write it like I am talking to them. Just wanted to get something up (for my own psyche?). I want to expand on each of the points I made there and give them an idea of what tools are available. I am glad we have the same thought! But I never even thought of pinging - I have done that before but forgot about it - yeahhh!
I am not thrilled with the furniture site in total. I like the about page, and I agree about the marquee - that was HER idea and she loves it, but I don't think she'll miss it for a while if it's gone! I went to look and some of the things I put on there need adjustment and reworked - not to mention get rid of some of the "extras" like you said.
Again, thank you for your input. I will take your suggestions to heart. What a great way to learn!
Good job!! We are cheering for you!
Thanks, Norman, I am sure trying really hard!