A Few Shared Thoughts With the New WA Members

Last Update: March 04, 2011

 Welcome guys! I know we have many new members in our WA family. As a year and a half old member myself, I have a few thoughts that may help you stay on track during your learning process.

First of all, be assured that you were "kissed by the gods" for having found WA. Yes, you lucked out. No matter what programs you have been involved in before this, no matter how rocky your IM path has been, no matter how cynical you are, no matter how scared you feel, you have found a community that is inspiringly honest, very professional, sincerely encouraging and motivating. At WA you will be presented with every opportunity to succeed: steps to take, tutorials, help from top marketers, webinars, free tools, a great "friendly" forum, new ideas, ongoing new enhancements to the training and new tools. All the while, your buddies will have your back, no matter what. You'll see what I'm talking about. That kind of generous support is heart warming, not to mention life enhancing and crucial to success. You'll succeed in the company of others who are also succeeding. The atmosphere of caring is contagious, and it flows over into the quality of your writing and marketing. 

I came to WA feeling a bit cynical as a result of spending buckets of money on other programs that were mediocre, or too advanced for me at the time. I came here optimistically hopeful because what the heck, that is my real nature anyway. Frankly, I didn't know what to expect.

I joined the WA community to learn as much as I could about everything associated with Internet Marketing and I have not been disappointed. That being said, I am often disappointed with myself because I feel I should absorb this information faster.  Sound familiar? The amount of new information is so vast that it takes time to digest it all and apply it. The feeling of being overwhelmed is not unusual. Be patient with yourself. You are still the same intelligent person. You will reach a point when it all begins to make sense. And when that happens, it feels so good. Bear in mind, you do not have to eat a whole sandwich in one bite, nor do you have to know every marketing technique or secret at once in order to make money online. Follow a simple plan  and stick to it faithfully until you see results/sales, then keep doing it. Don't spread yourself too thin by trying everything at once. I say this to you because I have had to battle taking on too much at once myself. The temptation to do everything is seductive and hard to resist. I know, like me, you are enthusiastic. Relax. It's not going away, you'll have a chance to try everything. But do one thing at a time.

Stay focused. Watch out for distractions. Make daily assignments for yourself and stick to it. Follow a plan. There are several simple plans presented here that really work and they're easy to understand and implement. Start with Kyle and Carson's Action Plan. The clubs are wonderful too.

There's an expression people use here "Rinse and Repeat". You'll know for sure your efforts are working when you start to see sales. Keep doing what you were doing, tweaking where necessary. And keep learning. IM takes diligence and effort, but it's lots of fun. 

Now I'm going to head off and get my day going in a "focused" manner too.

Best to all of you. Cheers for all of our success!



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April2012 Premium
Great post! Especially since most of these thoughts are going through my mind right now. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
mynewlife50 Premium
Thank you for the encouragement. There sure is a lot to learn and it can be overwhelming. I have 2 large post-its on my monitor stating "BE PATIENT!" just to keep me in check.
Eileiah Premium
Beautifuly writing J. I wish I could write like this. I wonder if you would mind if I quoted some of this post - kind of a testimonial for my IM page on my new website? Let me know. Thanks. E.
Jerry Black Premium
I appreciate your willingness to help the new IM's
Jamie Smith Premium
Yep, the WA family worldwide has your back.