Pinterest has added benefits

Last Update: July 10, 2012
Have you joined Pinterest yet? Get started. It's a hoot.

Not only can you promote yourself, but it serves as a virtual affirmation board.

It gives you an opportunity to pin all the things you like, so it helps you to visualize your ideas better, locate objects you like, new concepts...narrow them down and make them specific, and share them with others. It's like a notebook or sketch book.

You also discover what interests you the most. If you have 200 pins on one topic and 3 pins on another, you can see what excites you the most.

I think of it as a series of visual articles. Say it with pictures!

Another fun thing about Pinterest is you connect with surprising people. I made friends with a cousin I've never met. She's a painter, like me, and we have similar taste. She repins my pins and I repin hers.

It's also a good reward, but be careful, pinning is addictive.

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veronica.l Premium
I agree it sure is addictive :) but soo much fun!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hard to stay away.
kyle Premium
Great points made here. Affirmation of the things you love, a great way to choose the niche. Set-up a pinterest account, see what you end up pinning about most frequently, choose that as a niche.

It is also an excellent way to gauge which images evoke the most emotions by seeing which pins are getting "repinned" the most and which pins that you find the most interesting.
jatdebeaune Premium
Haha Kyle. FOOD is in the lead, followed by animals. Those categories seem to be repined the most.
kyle Premium
The food ones always leave me hungry. I suppose it shows that people are very emotionally attached to visuals of food. Serve people the cheesecake and then offer them a solution for what the cheesecake has done!
thevaz74 Premium
Good to know. Thank for blogging about it! Pinterest is still a mystery to me lol.
jatdebeaune Premium
I was totally resistant to it. Now I love it. You will too.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice 1 Joan, good to have our pinterest pages linked up. Yep, I am enjoying it too and advise EVERYONE in the WA family worldwide to enjoy Jay's archived WAbinar class on pinterest.
jatdebeaune Premium
I'll look at Jay's WAbinar. I think I attended, but not sure. Hey Jamie, I just repined some of your things.
I don't think I'd ever seen Pinterest before - just clicked through and I love it1
jatdebeaune Premium
It's huge fun!