Looking for free content and images?

Last Update: August 10, 2012
You may have gotten this info already, but if not, it can be useful.

I'm always on the lookout for free images. And it's worth checking out the public domain content too.

Here's the link: Free images and public domain books
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Recent messages
Hudson Premium
Thanks - much appreciated,
jatdebeaune Premium
Quite welcome.
David_S Premium
Nice information, will have to check these out for all my articles. Put up a lot of new ones lately and am running out of good images. thanks!
jatdebeaune Premium
This will work out well then.
fishing Premium
Thanks Joan put in a safe place....
jatdebeaune Premium
Hope it comes in handy.
Deezdz Premium
If I use public domain content on my site, is it mandatory that I provide a link back to the source?...or is a caption stating where I found it sufficient?
mission0ps Premium
You don't have to link to it at all if you don't want to. We just do it out of curtsey .
Deezdz Premium
ok, thanks
fishing Premium
Thought you were on vacation, put your computer back in your bag.... I know....but having fun right now is more important....try....lol...ahve fun...:)
Deezdz Premium
I'm leaving in the morning....then you won't see my mug for 2+ weeks...lol
jatdebeaune Premium
If you use an image for SA, there's no way you can give credit.
jpnetco Premium
Thanks Jat, that's awesome.
jatdebeaune Premium
You're welcome.