A Little Break From It All

Last Update: January 12, 2011

It's snowing where I live. Snow is close to 2 feet high so far, and still falling. I live in Southern Connecticut, and we haven't gotten this much snow since I was a wee one, many moons ago. Wow!  Feels like the old days. Probably why I'm goofing off and want to go outside and build a snowman instead of working. Everyone here is a grown up, so I may have to build that snowman solo. Not quite packing snow, but it'll do.

The marketer's mind never quits. My eyes are constantly open for the perfect niche. Not just that, but also product ideas. Have been checking out Google Hot Trends, which is all Jay's fault. Teasing. You're mighty cool Jay.

This business is so much fun.  Albeit, when does that stultifying nagging "newbie" feeling go away?  You "newest" newbies think you are the only ones feeling overwhelmed, but you're not.  Different kinds of overwhelm. That's not meant to discourage anyone. Your mind is expanding, which is great! The most challenging thing about IM is that you have to keep so much up in the air at the same time in order to be effective. And the whole is definitely the sum of its parts. This is a very sophisticated art form, if you work it right.

No sooner do I learn 10 things, then there are 10 more things to learn, then 10 more, and it never quits because IM constantly changes. And I never feel as if I know anything, farless enough. Sort've like being a prospector with a pickaxe in the Grand Canyon. I know I must be knowing something because no one can understand a word I say any more. Friends say I talk like a geek. Me? A geek? Very funny. Noooo way! Haha... I'd looove to be a geek, but that'll require some code.

Hope you don't mind that I've stopped by for a  visit. A little shop talk. A little trivia. A virtual hot chocolate.

This question is nagging me. When does it start to feel like "falling off a log"? Don't misunderstand. In a way I like being on the edge of the cliff. Do you? You come to a point in whatever you do, that you've gained sufficient mastery to be productive.  Productive is not only producing money. Money is the by-product. What does it mean to you?

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andys43us Premium
Great post Joan. The learning never stops. Productivity to me is when I am proficient in setting goals and completing them. Not monetary goals. Action goals. Being able to complete the assigned set of task feels good.
Meadow Breeze Premium
I enjoyed this blog post, makes me smile! So good to know we are not alone! I like your humorous way of making your point. Sometimes its spooky being at the edge of the cliff, but knowing that we are not alone and that, if we keep that "I Can Do it" attitude. We will Succeed! We know that failure is not an option,so we just strive to making it better.
Labman_1 Premium
Snow, hmmm, My GD got a snowman kit for Christmas. Think they might be popular this week? A Frosty SM hat, inside is a scarf, a plastic carrot, 2 googly eyes and a Mr. Potato head mouth. You supply the snow.