A New Star Was born 88 Years Ago

Last Update: June 26, 2010

Salute to our neighbors to the north!

I'm asking a favor. Do you think we can borrow her for a while? We can sure use her as president of the US.

Can you just imagine  her in IM business?

Please watch this video. You will be so inspired.




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crarae Premium
OMG she is older than me by 5 years there must be hope
for me after all. Yes if she can't be president I'm sure
she could help us out (the UK)
reefswimmer Premium
oh yeah ! I just loved it, every time the interviewer said something that tickled her, she doubled over in laughter. And the ice hockey skills she still has--better than I did as a kid !

I hope she hosts interactive seminars online and in person, maybe someone or more, will be inspired and learn how she accomplishes what she does. A 700 million surplus for her city!
I've already been busy sending people the URL. Thanks !
Diane, reefswimmer
Garage667 Premium
I wish when i get her age,if i,to have as energy and be so positive and motivating for everybody else as she does!Nice one Joan!
Amazing Girl Premium
I agree we could use her
webkab Premium
That was great. What a replacement she could be.