A Race Horse Is Not a Chicken and I Am Not J Paul Getty

Last Update: May 25, 2010

I believe that each of us is born with multiple talents that are useful to us in life. But there is one particular talent, the thing that we really excel at using, which  probably represents our purpose and definitely our core strength. That is what you are meant to do. No one needs to tell you what it is, either. You just know.

I am in awe of my accountant.  He is brilliant at what he does,  has a mind like a computer. Thank God for him. Left up to me, my tax returns would never get done. Conclusion: accounting is not my talent.

A race horse has the capacity to move fast and has the potential to win a race over other race horses. A chicken can lay a perfect egg. The race horse can't lay an egg and the chicken doesn't compete in horse racing. Sounds ridiculous put that way, doesn't it?

J Paul Getty had a brilliant business mind. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think he's ever written a musical.

I went to a business seminar this weekend. I pulled out a couple nuggets of information that I think I can use. For the most part, I came away from that seminar with the realization that I will never feel as passionate about business as I do about the arts. There were people there who are born to business. Yes, I am good reading contracts, and am a good negotiator. But I don't love the nitty gritty of business. Don't get me wrong. I sincerely respect this talent. Oh sure, I can run a business, but the mechanics of running a business is not where I live. That being said, I'd rather run the business than work for somebody.

The point I am making is that each of us has genius, something we're born to do. How fortunate that we are all different. The fruit of our talents benefits all of us. So use that special thing that makes you extraordinary.

I am grateful for your colorful rainbow of talent. And I am grateful for my own talent. No more Frankenstein's monster for me. No one can be all things to all people. This business trip cured me, and let's hope once and for all.





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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for yet another excellent blog sister! I am with you 100% when it comes to the Arts and running business is ALWAYS better than working a "job".
jatdebeaune Premium
Maureen, everybody has a center of brilliance. Ideally, one should reach for it. Some people get so caught up in all the details, that their center is choked. It's like pulling the weeds out of the garden, so the flowers grow better. Survival comes first, of course. Can't live without a body. There are things other than the physical that require survival. We often forget that. If you have a song in your heart you have to sing.
jatdebeaune Premium
Andy, It's always been hard. The thing that makes it harder is that there has been a shift in our economy. Jobs used to be plentiful and employers used to be more reliable. The bright side is that we never had the Internet before just a few years ago. Looks like all of us here are hitching our stars to that wagon, and why not? Don't misunderstand. Even when you are in the arts, there is always business involved if you are to make a living. I've been up to my earlobes in business. If "business" business is your talent, then there is your passion and your business. Go for it!
maureenhannan Premium
So beautifully expressed. Funny...this subject has been so much on my mind too. (And I also blogged about an accountant a minute ago. :-) A racehorse is indeed not a chicken. And I'm no J.P. Getty either. But isn't it wonderful to operate from your "center of briliance"? I'm grateful for the chance to try.
andys43us Premium
That is so true. But in this world, it is hard to follow the thing that you are born to do. For many people it is even harder to find the thing that they are born to do. Which is the reason why many of us end up with a 9-5 job. The world doesn't leave us much option, if you want to survive, you either have to work at a job or start your own business. It is very difficult for someone to follow there passion and still be able to pay the bills.